Secure Payment CA Release Notes

Secure Payment CA Release Notes

Release notes - Terminal Applications - SecurePayment_1.15.04


TEA-778 SecureTable - With Repost option ON - Double charge happened after app reset
TEA-784 Transaction approved then voided. Card Removed still closed the invoice/table in Maitre D

Released: September 3rd, 2024

Release notes - Terminal Applications - SecurePayment_1.15.03


TEA-424 App-To-App - Add Idempotency key for duplicate transactions
TEA-488 App-To-App - Return Idempotency key used to the calling application
TEA-699 App-To-App - Accept void, reprint and TRXDATA with the Idempotency key
TEA-732 App-To-App - Update Idempotency Error Description to Invalid Transaction Key
TEA-731 Add log line when we set latest transaction


TEA-726 If an invalid Idemptotency key is received, refuse the transaction and send an error back to App-To-App


TEA-675 App-To-App - If multiple invoice returned, return the first one
TEA-717 App-To-App - Idempotency key on reversal
TEA-707 Gift Card Partial Payment Shows Incorrect Balance
TEA-719 Hunny Pot - Reprint Last Transaction prompt didn't print transaction before crash

Released July 30th, 2024

Release notes - Terminal Applications - SecurePayment_1.15.02


TEA-599 SecureTable - Veloce Refund doesn't work with Error 810
TEA-601 Terminal sent two simultaneous voids
TEA-602 Crash when printing the clerk batch detail from options menu
TEA-603 SecurePayment/VelPay performance issue
TEA-631 Terminal activation does not work since version 1.15

Release July 3rd, 2024

Release notes - Terminal Applications - SecurePayment_1.15.01


TEA-547 Receipts should take info from merchant account level instead of Store level


TEA-550 The terminal sent 2 different responses to VelPAY. Declined and then Approved

Released June 6th, 2024

Release notes - Terminal Applications - SecurePayment_1.15


TEA-7 Receipt Header - Can be configured to Center
TEA-14 Update Surcharge for Cashback to display "Cashback Surcharge"
TEA-47 Secure Payment - When there are no Clerk ID and Transactions show text "No data found"
TEA-48 Secure Payment - Clerk ID Delete - Add Confirmation Screen
TEA-57 Secure Payment - Refactor calls to open Clerk Management
TEA-292 Secure Payment - Improve terminal unit testing
TEA-484 Secur Payment - change report and receipt log to info level
TEA-61 Transaction History - Option to search for last 4 of card number
TEA-154 Cash transactions are now part of Terminal Summary Batch Report
TEA-214 Remove ">" symbol from Operations menu for transactions that don't have a sub-menu
TEA-406 Reprint last transaction
TEA-430 Have the terminal app log suspected double charges to be monitored by Datadog
TEA-431 Add more detail for possible duplicate charges log
TEA-477 Call remove card on result screen only for contact transactions
TEA-497 Add logging to identify when a Critical Exception happened during a transaction
TEA-521 Add additional detail logs when transaction starts
TEA-522 Change parser for transactionData from Gson to Moshi
TEA-521 Add additional detail logs when transaction starts
TEA-522 Change parser for transactionData from Gson to Moshi


TEA-49 Secure Payment - Highlight the old password on Clerk screen when selected
TEA-123 Secure Payment - After a settlement, "auto print" now prints the report
TEA-289 Secure Payment - Will no longer crash during cancelled payment when chip card not pulled out
TEA-412 Secure Payment - Change copyright date to 2024
TEA-427 Secure Payment - Corrected - When the application is restarted, the pop-up for reprinting the last refused transaction is displayed 2 times.
TEA-428 Secure Payment: Correct - The pop-up to print the last transaction can be printed up to 3 times in a row, as the pop-up would not disappear on the 1st print.
TEA-434 Secure Payment - Corrected - Scan the barcode on the cash transaction receipt, crash the application.
TEA-524 Secure Payment - App crashed after card insert
TEA-80 Gateway - Return cardholder language
TEA-447 Gateway - Corrected - Unable to start activity
TEA-28 SecureTable - Pay by cash - French translation update
TEA-411 SecureTable - Manual repost partial payment, amount is now immediately updated
TEA-416 SecureTable - Auto repost/void works properly now
TEA-485 SecureTable - Corrected - The pinpad displays 'Connecting to POS' at regualar intervals when there is nothing to repost
TEA-508 SecureTable - IllegalStateException - Method must be called on main thread
TEA-517 SecureTable - Balance amount 0 on split calculator if don't keep activities is on
TEA-508 SecureTable - IllegalStateException - Method must be called on main thread
TEA-517 SecureTable, Balance amount 0 on split calculator if don't keep activities is on.
TEA-528 SecureTable -  Terminal stuck on Processing connecting to POS
TEA-299 SecurePay - Auto void works
TEA-490 SecurePay - Corrected - Double Charge on Error setting serial number from android
TEA-529 SecurePay - Transaction approved on pinpad, but POS didn't get the response
TEA-530 SecurePay - A new sale gets Repost by previous voided transaction
TEA-399 Developer options - Enable timeout is corrected
TEA-423 Corrected unable to search for transactions by Authorization code
TEA-268 Summary Report will now show grand total when it is for a Single Clerk
TEA-79 Corrected issue when tapping the card at the same time of a timeout
TEA-469 Corrected - Cancel button (screen or physical) not working when card is rejected
TEA-471 Corrected - Recovery results in PS if it happen on the first transaction after app install
TEA-474 Double Charge - Reversal Trigger and Result Screen showing Connection Timed Out
TEA-417 Java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState
TEA-418 Com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException
TEA-419 Java.lang.RuntimeException: Error receiving broadcast Intent
TEA-420 Java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fragment ResultFragment
TEA-438 Java.lang.IllegalStateException: commit already called
TEA-443 Java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fragment PrepareTransactionFragment
TEA-444 Java.lang.NullPointerException
TEA-499 App 2 App Reprint reversal as void Sale
TEA-503 Java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fragment no associated with a fragment manager via findNavController()
TEA-536 Using Moshi for JSON parser for log missing subclass of BaseLog.kt

Released - June 4 2024

Release notes - Terminal Applications - SecurePayment_1.14.01 Hot Fix


TEA-429 Internal - Add DataDog logs for double charge logs

Bug Fixes

TEA-410 SecureTable - Squirrel POS does not send correct Tax Total on Split Checks (Resolution: Disable tax features for Squirrel)
TEA-421 SecureTable/SecurePay - Avoid double charge by chcking if payment has been paid after a crash/app restart

Released - April 16th, 2024

Release notes - Terminal Applications - SecurePayment_1.14


TEA-6 Secure Payment - Setting to enable or disable terminal datadog logging
TEA-59 Secure Payment - Enabling QR Code to print on Receipts
TEA-60 Secure Payment - Enabling Scanner functionality
TEA-92 Configuring Password needed for switching app modes


TEA-46 SecurePayment - Setting admin and merchant password during activation process crash and restart the app - fixed
TEA-284 Secure Payment - Total refund of the (TIP/cashback) transaction is not possible if you start with a partial refund - fixed
TEA-286 Secure Payment -  We need to re-adjust the text on the cancellation confirmation screen in french - fixed
TEA-288 Secure Payment - Logging - Parse request JSON in datadog logs
TEA-291 Secure Payment- Terminal reboot time doesn't work - fixed
TEA-2 SecureTable - UI is still in French when language is set to English - fixed
TEA-396 SecureTable - There is a short delay before transaction amount shows up on SPA - SPA 1.13 - fixed
TEA-135 SecureTable - When payment is declined user is kicked out of table - fixed
TEA-285 SecureTable - Unequal split not functioning correctly - fixed
TEA-4 Tterminal switch to standby (Sleep mode) prevents auto print of reports from working - fixed
TEA-37 First tranasaction after a reboot, first pin entry failed - fixed
TEA-62 The label 'Print Footer' is on multiple lines when a footer is added - fixed
TEA-84 Payment application will get reversal stuck if Battery is removed - fixed
TEA-99 A920 - If terminal is not connected for 2 minutes, it will never wake up by itself anymore - fixed
TEA-131 Unable to start activity lateinit property has not been initialized - fixed
TEA-280 The back button is missing on the Transaction History page - fixed
TEA-393 User is kicked off from the Transaction History page after the timeout even if the user is still active on the page - fixed
TEA-394 Add Confirmation Screen for Voids
TEA-401 Squirrel - Stuck on split calculator upon opening screen

Release April 5th, 2024.

Release notes - Terminal Applications - SecurePayment_1.13


TEA-76 Add Datadog log in JSON format
TEA-120 Add log info to link request and response log for SRE dashboard
TEA-132 Pilot Secure Payment App - Initilization Failed Error - fixed
TEA-140 ASKAPPINFO only works when SPA is in App to App mode
TEA-269 Implement the option to configure Tip On Tax
TEA-39 Training mode - Need to add training mode transactions in the transaction history to perform other transactions (Completion & Void)
TEA-40 Clerk Report - Option to not enter in Merchant Password but Clerk Password to print report
TEA-52 App-to-App -  Addition of Network Error Terminal Message
TEA-10 Secure Payment - Cancel button - Add a confirmation dialog
TEA-50 SecurePayment - Display Manual Entry Button on card entry screen when setting in BO is ON
TEA-51 SecurePayment - Display Manual Card in operations menu only if setting in BO is ON
TEA-54 Secure Payment - The message to plug in the terminal should be displayed automatically when the battery drops to 8%
TEA-55 Secure Payment - Cashback Fee Report - Print Cashback Fee Total on Settlement Report
TEA-58 Secure Payment - A35 & A80 - Disable Red button on physical keypad on main screen
TEA-100 Secure Payment - Updating logic to not print anything when there are no transactions of that day
TEA-130 Secure Payment - Improve datadog logging
TEA-101 SecureTable - Add table numbers to receipts
TEA-128 SecureTable - Auto repost


TEA-41 A920Pro PIN digits (stars) are on two lines if more than 5 pins long - fixed
TEA-67 Critical exception - java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fragment EnterCheckFragment
TEA-98 Adjust the Android bottom bar to only have the back triangle
TEA-134 A920Pro GID - Timeout issue during transaction - fixed
TEA-208 Void Confirmation not prompting - fixed
TEA-230 Issue with keyboard for activation code on device with no keyboard - fixed
TEA-43 Secure Payment - Automatic report printing doesn't work properly. No report is printed - fixed
TEA-44 Secure Payment - During automatic printing of reports when paper runs out and the pop-up appears on the screen. If you click "back" the application crashes - fixed
TEA-46 Secure Payment - Setting Admin & Merchant password during activation process crashes and restarts the app - fixed
TEA-53 Secure Payment - User can use the delete all clerks button even though there is no clerk ID created - fixed
TEA-137 Secure Payment - After an approved transaction, the terminal displays Failure "no transaction to settle", the transaction in transaction history displays "refund" option - fixed
TEA-138 Secure Payment - Reports printing displays "No transaction foud" all the time (the batch includes new transactions) - fixed
TEA-42 SecurePay - Still shows Pay with SecurePay from the options menu - fixed
TEA-45 SecureTable -  Missing "Unable to connection to POS" message and app crashed if connection lost - fixed
TEA-155 SecureTable - Split payment returns back to homne screen - fixed
TEA-276 SecureTable - 'Connecting to POS please wait' displayed for 1 minute if trsnasction cancelled or timed out - fixed
TEA-277 SecureTable - Tax is missing on receipt
TEA-281 Update Datadog Version

Released March 12th, 2024.

Release notes - Terminal Applications - SecurePayment_1.12.01


TEA-97 Support new transaction status RELEASED

Released February 21st, 2024.

Release notes - Payment Platform - SecurePayment_1.12


PP-745 Show Business name on home screen
PP-4204 Refactor GID ACK request and timeout
PP-1626 Standalone: Put a difference between Merchant and Reciept printout copy in the printer settings
PP-3683 Secure Payment App - Consolidate Report printing code
PP-4114 Secure Payment App - Refund Option Updates - Standalone Refund and Linked Refunds
PP-4139 Secure Payment App - Host Download - Move to Hamburger Menu Main Screen
PP-4173 Secure Payment App - A35 - Disabling Switch to Standalone Mode  
PP-4107 SecureTable - Update to efficiently fetch tables (New UI)


PP-1975 Fix out of bound issue when reading card languages
PP-4071 Fix issue when summary report is too long
PP-2985 Standalone - There is no timeout for "no clerk exist" error pop-up when there is no clerk added
PP-3095 ECR - User can send a transaction even if he not on the home screen of the page
PP-3207 App2App - The pop-up appears thrice on the payment screen back to back when the amount is too high
PP-4174 A35 device should not be able to show the under 15% battery warning
PP-4213 After a refund from operations, the application crashes (it restarts)

Released February 19th, 2024

Release notes - Payment Platform - SecurePayment_1.11.01


PP-3999 GID Don't send response data if there is no connection
PP-4150 GID Fix issue with PW
PP-4151 GID Fix Issue when out of paper for settlement

Released February 9th, 2024

Release notes - Payment Platform - SecurePayment_1.11


PP-2458 Battery Life Status and Warning Message
PP-3844 Split help desk dialog to its own dialog when selecting environment for non-production builds
PP-3943 Offer to print latest transaction if it was not printed
PP-4018 Remove legacy completion to the switch
PP-2720 Secure Payment App - Add Last Receipt Button option to home screen
PP-3816 Secure Payment App - Moving Clerks Management outside of settings to home screen


PP-3928 App-To-App Auto settle returns error code - fixed
PP-3937 Reprinting by invoice number only reprints last receipt - fixed
PP-3998 GID stop connection when entering the setting - fixed
PP-3929 Critical Exception - terminalConfigurationData / terminalSettings not initialized
PP-3988 Critical Exception - STPI certificate is sometimes null
PP-4004 Critical Exception - Secure Payment - Check List screen reload data issue
PP-3931 Secure Payment - A80 devices on Android 6.0.1 enter double digits when typing activation code - fixed
PP-3932 Secure Payment - SecureTable/SecurePay - Double charge when app crashes before returning to previous screen - fixed
PP-4101 Secure Payment- Print next copy button flashed

Released February 7th, 2024

Release notes - Payment Platform - SecurePayment_1.10.02


PP-4072 Add thread safety for network connection

Released January 29th, 2023

Release notes - Payment Platform - SecurePayment_1.10.01


PP-4008 Secure Payment - Refactor GidActivity - Separate connection logic from being in the Activity level


PP-4037 GID:  If the terminal screen is off, it doesn't receive the GID transaction. You must click on the button to turn the screen on. - Fixed

Released January 23rd, 2024

Release notes - Payment Platform - SecurePayment_1.10


PP-2291 Secure Payment - Standalone: Add Print clerk list button feature
PP-3926 Secure Payment - Changes to Terminal Auto Reboot Time - Not download parameters after the reboot
PP-3854 Secure Payment - Customer Profile Token - developer setting + Unit test reading data from Secure Payment API


PP-2986 Secure Payment - Standalone - Add password when the user opens the Passwords page
PP-3871 Secure Payment - Auto reboot doesn't work - fixed
PP-3923 Secure Payment: The terminal crashes on the processing screen, when you click "retry" to restart the transaction and re-establish the connection on the terminal. - fixed
PP-3819 SecureTable - Clerk ID is missing on the receipt - fixed
PP-3901 SecureTable - checks list not showing - fixed
PP-3925 SecureTable - Typo updare - LIVRAISONS
PP-3939 SecureTable unable to connect to POS error when fetching table - fixed
PP-3821 SecurePay- Disable reprint for A35
PP-3915 App-To-App - Remove reversal check when start the app
PP-3853 Terminal called terminals/setup without passing in a model
PP-3866 When application is manually started after reboot, logs are incorrectly saying "isStarted: false" when it should be true
PP-3873 UI - mix of languages when the card language is not the same as the terminal language - fixed
PP-3878 Use only one bootReceiver
PP-3891 Prevent double click on green key on A80 when starting a transaction
PP-3880 Issue with manual card entry on A80 - fixed
PP-3865 Critical Exception - SecureTable mode stpiSocketFactory is null
PP-3870 Critical Exception - SecureTable voiding a legacy transaction
PP-3874 Critical Exception - SecureTable database already closed error
PP-3899 Critical Exception - SecurePay connection garbage collected
PP-3909 Critical Exception - Unable to start activity
PP-3914 Critical Exception - UninitializedPropertyAccessException tableSelectorViewModel
PP-3917 Critical Exception - Unable to instantiate equal/unequal split dialog
PP-3918 Critical Exception - Unable to instantiate Clerk / Invoice dialog fragment
PP-3919 Critical Exception - Null pointer - Transaction history item click

Released January 9th, 2024

Release notes - Payment Platform - SecurePayment_1.09


PP-2614 Gateway - Adding TID to Main Screen
PP-3699 A80 allowing the OK on the physical keyboard to get the customer copy of receipt and not have to press the screen button
PP-3859 Change existing successful network calls to accept 200 AND 201 response codes
PP-3644 Secure Payment - Reprint last batch
PP-3837 Secure Table - Special formatting for tables with no table number (Universal POS)


PP-2643 Titan Standalone - Pre Auth Completion - Keyboard covering popup - fixed
PP-3515 App to app void a pre-auth should do a release
PP-3559 Pay by cash option shows up quickly even if the cash option is off - fixed
PP-3665 Pressing power button should be allowed to go into sleep mode on home screen
PP-3774 Issue with card reader java.lang.IllegalStateException
PP-3781 Secure Payment- Settings are not saved if the operation is too fast - fixed
PP-3783 Investigate why terminal sent two setup requests at the same time - fixed
PP-3797 Legacy Gateway Merchants on P2 Errors received an amount and now on Secure Payment no amount on P2
PP-3799 Critical Exception - Various Dialog fragments cause the app to crash when shown when the screen is off
PP-3825 Reprint completion shows the pre-atuh amount
PP-3855 Manually starting SPA after reboot will cause it to start twice if AutoStart is enabled

Release December 18th, 2023

Release notes - Payment Platform - SecurePayment_1.08.03


PP-3851 Secure Payment App - Customer Profile Token not working - fixed

Released December 15th, 2023

Release notes - Payment Platform - SecurePayment_1.08.02


PP-3845 App To App - Problem with Veloce/VelPAY and GIFT APP (Datacandy) since Titan migration - fixed

Released December 14th, 2023

Release notes - Payment Platform - SecurePayment_1.08.01


PP-3809 SecureTable - SecurePay - Moving Reprint Receipt outside of settings menu like Legacy app
PP-3812 SecureTable - SecurePay - Allowing to switch between these modes outside of settings (Hamburger Menu)


PP-3813 Search for single transaction look for single succeed transaction with invoice required
PP-3817 Secure Payment - Functions requiring password level ADMIN do not work when passwords are the same - fixed

Release December 12th, 2023

Release notes - Payment Platform - SecurePayment_1.08


PP-3210 Ensure that appropriate logs are generated when the terminal experiences issues trying to get a customer profile
PP-3713 Terminal app changes to call new system status endpoint
PP-3738 Add Terminal ID to transaction search for charge, refund and standalone credit
PP-3778 Automatic Batch Close Printout Requests Need to be Spread Out within a 10 minute window of batch close time
PP-3793 Clarify void transaction on receipt
PP-3501 Secure Payment - Payment Screen - A80 A35 IM30 Contactless Tap Logo Update
PP-3678 Secure Payment - Declined/Approved transactions not making a "beep"
PP-3727 Secure Payment - Moving option of Switching Modes outside of settings where password is not required


PP-2392 Adjust text placement on configuration failed dialog
PP-2592 Add TID on receipt - Missing on the transaction receipt
PP-3025 ECR - Prevent the screen from turning off when the terminal is in GID mode
PP-3544 Secure Payment Standalone: The application crashes (white screen and app restart) when you try to press the back button while the terminal is trying to perform a reversal and no paper in the printer
PP-3692 Critical Exception - Secure Payment - GID mode settlement out of paper crash when screen off
PP-3710 Issue with system status call with A920Pro
PP-3711 SecureTable - Entering Server ID and not having to press Andriod Keypad OK to show tables
PP-3724 Convert GID code correctly
PP-3729 Use the same department number during apply payment as returned in pulling check
PP-3731 Issue with logging exception
PP-3749 Fix issue where previous batch id is lost when updating the app

Release December 11th, 2023

Release notes - Payment Platform - SecurePayment_1.07.02


PP-3727 Secure Payment App - Moving option of Switching Modes outside of settings where password is not required


PP-3761 SecureTable - Employee, Table and Check Drop Downs causing delays - Removing Drop Downs.

Release December 7th, 2023

Release notes - Payment Platform - SecurePayment_1.07.01


PP-3725 Use the cardbrand to determine the cardtype on the transaction result

Release December 5th, 2023

Release notes - Payment Platform - SecurePayment_1.07


PP-3620 Terminal app changes to call new system status endpoint
PP-3660 Reversal check should be done automatically
PP-3640 Secure Payment - Summary report will include breakdown by card brand
PP-3695 Secure Payment - Allow Password dialog to type in passwords from 1-6 digits
PP-3654 App to App mode - to accept transaction if the current mode is standalone but transaction is App to App
PP-3672 SecureTable - Operator/Clerk should be able to type in table number


PP-3641 Secure Payment - Do not print reports if the report has been printed already
PP-3659 Critical Exception - Secure Payment - Invalid navigation action
PP-3680 Issue with App to app when screen is off - fixed - Critical exception - java.lang.IllegalStateException

Release December 4th, 2023

Release notes - Payment Platform - SecurePayment_1.06.02


PP-3639 android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException - response from Titan at the same time that the timeout for connection occurs.
PP-3669 SecureTablePay mode version conversion error- fixed

Release November 29th, 2023

Release notes - Payment Platform - SecurePayment_1.06.01


PP-3632 SecurePay is able to reprint transactions


PP-3615 When VelPAY interrogate SPA for a transaction, even if it was declined, SPA sends back RSPCODE=000 - fixed

Release November 28th, 2023

Release notes - Payment Platform - SecurePayment_1.06


PP-3586 SecurePay should respond to RTI after a gift transaction through the card reader screen
PP-3630 SecureTable should respond to STPI after a gift transaction through the card reader screen


PP-3516 A80 auto start doesn't work - fixed
PP-3560 Implement Batch report from POS
PP-3556 Secure Payment - Gift card through card reader screen
PP-3558 SecureTable - The terminal should associate card with a customer profile


PP-3320 Critical exception - java.lang.IllegalStateException - Issue with GID and settlement
PP-3600 Critical Exception - Null pointer clientConnection (GID)
PP-3562 Auto start payment app when device turns on (A35)
PP-3587 App crash when leaving setting screen - fixed
PP-3628 When tip processing option is enabled, and the tip is taken care by VelPAY, Secure Payment add a Confirmation Total screen before Insert/Tap - fixed
PP-3643 Failure No transaction to settle if amount is $0.00 - Fixed
PP-3604 SecureTable - Remove the tip option when paying with cash
PP-3616 Secure Payment - Every 5+ transactions, the pin prompt does not show - fixed
PP-3636 Secure Payment - Standalone gift redemption should not carry over the tip when there are insufficient funds
PP-3648 Secure Payment - Giftcard should ask the user to pay remaining tip amount if the gift card does not have enough funds
PP-3618 GiftCard Standalone: When the pop-up "is this a gift card?" is displayed, if you click outside the pop-up it disappears and the terminal remains on the grey "total sale" screen
PP-3642 Giftcard partial transaction flow issue - fixed

Release November 27th, 2023

Release notes - Payment Platform - SecurePayment_1.05


PP-3142 The terminal should associate card with a customer profile
PP-3444 Add log tag for current application mode
PP-3456 Display limit exceeded only if limit is exceeded
PP-3477 Exception when parsing too long invoice number for manual invoice number
PP-3480 The app should not repeatedly crash on any Critical Exception (Crash loop)


PP-3213 App-To-App: The application restarts when an exception occurs without displaying the error result - fixed
PP-3454 SecureTable, Squirrel manual check entry, check number got blocked - fixed
PP-3460 SecurePay - Connection Information - Translation Update
PP-3479 Critical Exception - FabTech: A80 Application not starting
PP-3482 Exception when skipping printing if card is inserted
PP-3483 Exception with timeout reversal if no connection
PP-3490 Issue when network change but setting are not up to date - fixed
PP-3493 Issue with idempotency implementation - fixed
PP-3495 Issue when trying to print too many transaction in transaction detail - fixed
PP-3520 Critical Exception - Manual entry screen - IndexOutOfBoundsException
PP-3550 No profile ID sent to POS if card number entered manually - fixed

Released: November 20th, 2023

Release notes - Payment Platform - SecurePayment_1.04.01


PP-3507 The auto-start option should be ignored when SPA is set to App-2-App
PP-3511 Issue with $0 completions - ECR mode - Fixed

Release notes - Payment Platform - SecurePayment_1.04


PP-1610 Secure Payment - Standalone: A final confirmation of the transaction is required after the TIP screen for the cash transaction
PP-3428 Initialize device and log on terminalApplication, not splashscreen
PP-3443 Add email notification in build yml file for master branch build


PP-1785 Secure Payment - Standalone: Processing screen added when you try to access to the settings
PP-2212 Secure Payment - Standalone: Hide the sub options when you turn off the main option in settings
PP-3397 Secure Payment - Power key not functioning when terminal initialization failed - fixed
PP-3404 Secure Payment - A35 vertically center "Enter PIN" page on A35 devices - fixed
PP-3445 Secure Payment - Critical Exception - App start issue on terminal reboot - fixed
PP-2300 Fix progress bar theme
PP-3427 Issue with tip screen custom amount - fixed
PP-3478 Critical Exception - custome theme invalid value
PP-3453 Terminal needs to display 'do not retry' when it is sent back in the 'declinecode'- fixed
PP-3488 SecureTable, Alphanumeric table number issue on Squirrel - Fixed
PP-2401 Squirrel POS- requested check could not be found when search by check number on multiple checks - fixed
PP-2406 Squirrel POS- Repost by check number issue (on multiple checks) - fixed
PP-2438 Squirrel POS- Multiple checks, tax amount is not shown - fixed

Release notes - Payment Platform - Secure Payment_1.03 CA


PP-685 Implement DataCandy transaction with Gateway
PP-3073 Add unit test step in build file
PP-2461 Secure Payment App Updating App - The App will close & re-open on PAX App Push
PP-2516 Secure Payment App Standalone: Mention the increment amount and the total amount of the transaction on the terminal screen at the time of approval
PP-3165 Secure Payment App Standalone: Change the "Auto print" settings to be more meaningful
PP-3390 Secure Payment App - Updating Icon on Batch Summary and Batch Details
PP-3201 SecureTable be able to handle decimal amounts when parsing check/invoice information
PP-3331 App-To-App - Initialize app from App-To-App if needed


PP-2795 Able to print with the A35 and IM30
PP-3199 Update terminal time from the transaction response
PP-3234 Fix issue where auto settle would not start next day
PP-3339 Critical Exception - Fixed - Issue when transaction is started and the network connection button is pressed
PP-3376 Critical Exception - Fixed - Transaction history list scroll load + exit settings
PP-3250 Autoprint time and autoreboot are no logner converting from UTC
PP-3375 Fixed - When no connection during start up but config is present we should continue
PP-3338 Fixed - Issue when no connection when opening the app
PP-3267 Verify account no longer results in reversal when used with a chip
PP-2893 Terminal config limits no longer causing issues with terminal during start up
PP-3076 Secure Payment App Standalone: When training mode is enabled or disabled, the terminal no longer returns to the main screen to activate the option
PP-3189 Secure Payment App Standalone: Manual Sale - Translation Update
PP-3257 Secure Payment App Standalone:  The settlement no longers displays a failure when no transaction found in the batch
PP-3259 Secure Payment App Standalone: A920Pro: Auto settle no works when the terminal is in sleep mode
PP-3388 Secure Payment App Standalone - A80 - Fixed - The settlement doesn't print the ticket when the setting "print ECR mode reports" is OFF
PP-3293 Secure Payment App - Manual Entry Button - Remove the Bold from It like the Cancel button
PP-3309 Secure Payment App - You can now scroll operator/clerk list
PP-3322 Secure Payment App - Critical exception - Fixed - originalTerminalSettingsData has not been initialized
PP-3112 App-To-App - Fixed connection test is not successful (Error code -3)
PP-3247 App-To-App - Tip screen is no longer showing even if the App-2-App software already asked the tip question
PP-3294 App-To-App - A35 - Enter Pin Screen Font fixed to be more readable
PP-3245 DataCandy ECR: the application no longer crashes when it receives a datacandy request from the simulator
PP-3291 SecurePay - Pre-auth Completion with original amount (without tip), transaction no longer declines
PP-3335 SecurePay - VOID SALE no longer printed on receipt instead of VOID COMPLETION
PP-3392 SecureTable - To add a loading spinner before the correct amount is displayed

Release November 6, 2023

Release notes - Payment Platform - Secure Payment_1.02.01 CA


PP-3127 If Terminal loses config limits - the default config limits will kick in to unblock the terminal
PP-3150 App2App - User no longer gets stuck on the result screen
PP-3334 Updating settings from the terminal is now working

Released October 31, 2023

Release notes - Payment Platform - Secure Payment_1.02 CA


PP-1449 SecureTable should only show void/refund transactions related to Payments completed in Secure Payment
PP-3000 Change Secure Payment App to support alternate captures endpoint
PP-3077 Network Type - displayed in the Secure Payment Back Office


PP-2273 Void and completion receipts are no longer missing data
PP-2460 Inappropriate error message if apply payment failed is fixed
PP-3066 A35 - The texts are no longer trimming on the Cashback screen
PP-3098 Virtual keyboard no longer blocks warnning message
PP-2846 A80 receipts and settlement reports fixed data on two lines
PP-3197 Issue fixed when generating summary report without connection
PP-2644 Secure Payment App - Authorization spelling update
PP-2741 Secure Payment App - Disable sleep button during printing
PP-2867 Secure Payment App For Increment or compeltion, the amount is now updated directly on the transaction history list
PP-2924 Secure Payment App (French) language errors fixed in "printer option" settings
PP-2925 Secure Payment App In the "about" setting, the text of the application version and the version are no longer overlapped
PP-2955 Secure Payment App the merchant can generate several customer copies after a transaction has been approved
PP-2956 Secure Payment App the screen displayed when the tip threshold is exceeded, does not timeout
PP-2970 Secure Payment App The application shouldn't timeout on the report print screen when there is a paper shortage
PP-3032 Secure Payment App ECR: The the pop-up message of the paper shortage no longer causes the completion to be cancelled when the amount is greater than the original pre-auth.
PP-3114 Secure Payment App Reversal receipt is now good
PP-3164 Secure Payment App: Auto settlement when there is no paper, and auto settle is scheduled, popup works now for paper shortage is displayed
PP-3180 Secure Payment App: The app no longer crashes when we try to do a settlement
PP-3041 SecurePay: Repost/Auto void now works if POS timed out
PP-3113 SecureTable Debit void no longer missing track 2 error from host
PP-3202 SecureTable: Fixed - Some checks grayed out, can't be selected.
PP-3115 SecureTable Credit void Error 1004 on A920 is fixed
PP-3116 SecureTable no longer shows void transactoins that belong to the legacy ST
PP-3110 App2app: If the terminal language is French and the card language is French, the merchant invoice is now also in French
PP-3131 App2app: A80: the terminal prints the increment receipt no longer crashes to the "please wait, we're processing the increment" screen
PP-3140 App2app: Return auto settle time in milliesecond
PP-3151 App2app: Application no longer breaks if the user sends a transaction with higher amout like $99999999
PP-3152 App2app Crash is fixed
PP-3169 App2app: implement report width parameter
PP-3182 App2App - Clerk are now printed on the deatil and summary reports

Release notes - Payment Platform - Secure Payment_1.01 CA


PP-713 SecurePay RTI integration - Implement retry functionality
PP-2975 Change apk name
PP-3000 Change Secure Payment App to support alternate captures endpoint
PP-3009 Add uploading terminal apk in build file
PP-3012 Add logs


PP-3080 Receipt for reversal on card removed are printing 'approved' is now fixed


PP-2486 SecurePay No Terminal receipt is fixed
PP-2849 SecureTable: The cash tip was added to PurchaseAmount and sent to POS
PP-2492 Void transaction amount/surcharge/total is no longer missing on POS receipt
PP-2792 Training Mode is now translating to French
PP-3013 Issue when get summary report and invalid URL is fixed
PP-2635 Secure Payment App Add a screen at the end of the settlement which confirms the settlement success or the opposite
PP-2692 Secure Payment App Prevent the terminal in training mode from processing real transactions from transaction history.
PP-2973 Secure Payment App Paper is no longer missing and the terminal tries to print the ticket.
PP-3037 Secure Payment App Receipt now printed for void and completion transactions.
PP-3074 Secure Payment App When dark theme selected, the logo band remains in white in the main screen and during transactions.
PP-3082 Secure Payment App  A80: Back button must remove digit by digit when you want to set the terminal reboot or auto settle time.
PP-3096 Secure Payment App ECR - Void transactions are now longer declined
PP-3033 Gateway recovery is now working if the battery or power is removed
PP-3050 Gateway Void promt PIN OK
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