PayFacto User Guide

PayFacto User Guide

This guide describes the features of the PayFacto payment application installed on your Android terminal and explains how to use them to process transactions for your business as well as how to customize the terminal to meet your requirements. 

Manual Card Entry

Terminals allow customers the option to insert, swipe, or tap their payment card. If the terminal is unable to read the card, you must manually enter the card number  if your merchant account allows for manual card entry . By default, the application does not enable the ability to enter a card number manually. The configuration of your merchant account determines if the terminal allows manual card entry.
NOTE: If your payment terminal is configured to operate as an unattended device, the ability to enter a card number manually is automatically disabled to prevent fraud.
If your merchant account allows for manual card entry, the application adds password protection by default for all transactions using manual card entry. If you disable password protection for manual card entry, the terminal will not ask for the password.
IMPORTANT: If your merchant account does not allow for manual card entry, you must call the card issuer to obtain a voice authorization and perform a Force Post transaction or ask the client for another method of payment.

Audio Confirmation

When your process a transaction, the terminal screen displays a green check mark or a red X to indicate if the transaction was approved or not.

Approved transaction

Declined transaction

In addition to the on-screen confirmation, the terminal makes a distinct sound to indicate whether a transaction is approved or declined.

Unattended Terminal Exceptions

The features described in this guide apply for the payment application regardless of the terminal you are using. There are a few exceptions if you use a terminal configured to operate as an unattended device. Unattended terminals are often found in self-service locations, such as pay-at-the-pump gas stations, self-service kiosks, vending machines, and more. The following outlines the feature exceptions if you use a terminal as an unattended device:
  1. No manual entry: To prevent fraudulent card use, the ability to key in a card number is not supported.
  1. No cashback: Because unattended terminals are rarely within proximity of a cashier, debit transactions do not offer a cashback option.
  1. No amount confirmation screen: To expedite transactions, customers are not asked to confirm the payment amount.
  1. No standalone transactions: An unattended terminal cannot operate in standalone mode where an operator keys in the transaction amount; the amount to pay is passed from another source (usually an embedded POS application) to the terminal.
  1. Application does not retry a transaction on network error: For unattended terminals, any network error immediately results in a transaction failure.
  1. No storing of multiple transactions on the terminal: As a security measure, an unattended terminal only stores the last transaction in its database.
Gift Cards

If you accept gift cards, and you configure the application to process gift cards (using the Gift Cards transaction), the transaction confirmation screen displays a Gift Card button. 

You need to touch the Gift Card button to process a sale as a gift card redemption, otherwise the terminal will not recognize the card, the transaction will be declined, and the screen will display a message indicating an invalid card type.


This section describes the different transactions you can perform on your terminal when in standalone mode (i.e.: the terminal is not linked to a POS system).

Card Sale Without Tip

The most common transaction is a purchase where the client uses their credit or debit card as the method of payment.

To process a sale with no tip:

  1. Use the number pad to enter the sale amount.

  1. Touch SALE.

  1. Hand the terminal to the client so they can insert, swipe, or tap their payment card.

  1. When the terminal receives the response, the screen displays the result. To print the customer receipt, touch Print or None if the client does not want a transaction receipt.

Card Sale With Tip

If you work in the service industry (bar, delivery, restaurant, transportation), the most common transaction is a purchase with an additional tip, where the client uses their credit or debit card as the method of payment.

NOTE: This procedure is available only if you activate the Tip Processing option.

To process a sale with tip:

  1. Use the number pad to enter the sale amount.

  1. Touch SALE.

  1. Hand the terminal to the client so they can select a pre-set tip amount or input a manual tip amount/percentage, they touch CONFIRM, and then confirm the total amount. 

  1. Client inserts, swipes, or taps their payment card.

  1. When the terminal receives the response, the screen displays the result. To print the customer receipt, touch Print or None if the client does not want a transaction receipt.

Debit Sale with Cashback

When clients pay with a debit card, you can offer the option to receive cashback in addition to paying for their purchase. NOTE: This procedure is available only if you activate the Cashback Processing option, and the feature is not available if a terminal is configured to operate as an unattended device.

To process a sale with cashback:

  1. Use the number pad to enter the sale amount.

  1. Touch SALE.

  1. Hand the terminal to the client so they can select a pre-set cashback amount or input a manual amount, they touch CONFIRM, and then confirm the total amount.

  1. Client inserts, swipes, or taps their payment card.

  1. When the terminal receives the response, the screen displays the result. 
    To print the customer receipt, touch Print or None if the client does not want a transaction receipt. 
    NOTE: If you enabled the Print Signature Line option, ask the client to sign the receipt as proof that they received the cashback. 
    Hand the customer the requested cashback amount.


A pre-authorization allows you to set aside (reserve) an amount on a client’s card prior to completing the transaction.

NOTE: The difference between the pre-authorized amount and the final sale amount remains reserved on the card balance until the completion of the pre-authorization or until the posting date on the client’s account, depending on the card issuer’s policies. It is recommended to complete the pre-authorization after you finish the purchase.

To pre-authorize an amount on a client’s card:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch the Transactions button.

  1. On the Transactions page, touch Pre Authorization.

  1. Use the number pad to enter the amount to pre-authorize.


  1. Insert, swipe, or tap the payment card.

  1. When the terminal receives the response, the screen displays the result. To print the customer receipt, touch Print or None if the client does not want a transaction receipt.

Pre-Authorization Completion

When you pre-authorize an amount of money on a client’s card, the card issuer reserves that amount for a period that varies with each user and card issuer. This reserve (or freezing of funds) reduces the client’s available spending limit. 

If the pre-authorized amount is greater than the final sale, the unused portion of pre-authorized amount remains reserved until the card issuer releases the reserved funds. When you complete a pre-authorization, you release the unused funds earlier.

To complete a pre-authorization:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch the Settings button.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Reports.

  1. On the Reports page, touch Batch Details.

  1. Scroll to or search for the pre-authorization transaction.

  1. Touch the pre-authorization transaction line to expand and view the details.

  1. Touch the Complete button.

  1. Use the number pad to enter the final purchase amount and touch OK.
    A transaction summary appears.

  1. Touch I Confirm the Request to complete the pre-authorization and release the unused funds.

  1. To print the customer receipt, touch Print or None if the client does not want a transaction receipt.

Reimbursing a Sale

There are two types of reimbursements available: void and refund. The transaction you choose depends on when the original sale was processed. 

Voiding a transaction provides a refund on a sales transaction that is still in the open batch of transactions (you have not yet performed a settlement). Typically, a void transaction occurs the same day as the original sale; if the original purchase used a credit card, the customer does not need to present their card, only their copy of the transaction receipt. If the original purchase used a debit card, the client needs to present their debit card in addition to their copy of the transaction receipt. When you void a credit transaction, the customer does not see the original sale or the refund on their statement; a voided debit transaction appears as two transaction on the statement.

Refunding a transaction occurs when the original sales transaction is part of a previously settled lot. A refund transaction requires that the client present their card and transaction receipt. When you refund a transaction, the customer can see the original sale and the refund as two separate lines on their statement.


To void a sale:

  1. Take the client’s original transaction receipt.

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Scanner.

  1. Enter the Merchant or Admin password (according to your terminal configuration) and touch OK
    NOTE: If you have previously disabled password protection for void transactions, the terminal will not ask for the password.

  1. Lift the terminal and position the transaction receipt so the green + is on or near the receipt’s barcode.

  1. After scanning the barcode, the terminal displays the transaction information. Touch the VOID button.

  1. On the confirmation page that appears, touch the I Confirm the Request button to confirm that you want to void the transaction.

  1. When the terminal confirms the void, touch Print to print the customer receipt, or touch None if the client does not want a transaction receipt.


To refund a sale:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Transactions.

  1. On the Transactions page, touch Refund.

  1. Use the number pad to enter the transaction total.

  1. Touch Refund.

  1. Enter the Merchant or Admin password (according to your terminal configuration) and touch OK
    NOTE: If you have previously disabled password protection for refund transactions, the terminal will not ask for the password.

  1. Pass the terminal to the customer so they can insert, slide, or tap the payment card used in the original transaction.

  1. When the terminal confirms the refund, touch Print to print the customer receipt, or touch None if the client does not want a transaction receipt.

Credit Account Verification

If desired, you can perform a credit account check on a client’s card before processing a transaction.

NOTE: A credit verification does not authorize a transaction, it only indicates if the cardholder account has the available funds to make the purchase.

To verify the available credit on a client’s card:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Transactions.

  1. On the Transactions page, touch Verify Credit Account.

  1. Use the number pad to enter the purchase amount to verify.

  1. Touch Verify Credit Account

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. Insert, swipe, or tap the payment card.

  1. When the terminal receives the response, the screen displays the result. To print the customer receipt, touch Print or None if the client does not want a transaction receipt.

Force Post Transaction

There could be situations where you need to obtain an authorization directly from the card issuer; when dealing with this situation, you need to manually enter the authorization code to complete the transaction. 

To enter the authorization code for a force post transaction:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Transactions.

  1. On the Transactions page, touch Force Post.

  1. Use the number pad to enter the purchase transaction amount.

  1. Touch Force Post.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.
    NOTE: If you have previously disabled password protection for force post transactions, the terminal will not ask for the password.

  1. Enter the Authorization code provided by the card issuer and touch OK.

  1. Hand the terminal to the client so they can insert, swipe, or tap their payment card.

  1. When the terminal confirms the authorized transaction, touch Print to print the customer receipt, or touch None if the client does not want a transaction receipt.

Cash Sale

The application allows you to track cash sales if you want to consolidate all your transactions on the terminal as part of your bookkeeping.

Pour traiter une vente par argent comptant :

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Transactions.

  1. On the Transactions page, touch Cash.

  1. Use the number pad to enter the purchase amount.

  1. Touch Cash.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.
    NOTE: If you have previously disabled password protection for cash transactions, the terminal will not ask for the password.

  1. The terminal confirms the cash transaction; touch Print to print the customer receipt, or touch None if the client does not want a transaction receipt.

Cancel a Transaction

If you begin a transaction other than a sale and you need to return to the main screen without completing the transaction, you can simply cancel it.

To cancel a transaction before using the payment card:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch the Sale button.
    The terminal returns to the main screen.


Process Settlement

When you process transactions, they are saved on the terminal and on the authorization server. Funds collected are only transferred to your merchant account when you perform a reconciliation between the terminal and server; this reconciliation process is the settlement.

Typically, a merchant would process a settlement at the end of a business day. You can choose to process a settlement more than once a day or once every few days. The impact of not processing a settlement every day is a longer delay before funds are deposited to your merchant bank account.

When you process a settlement, the system validates that the transactions processed on the terminal match those on the authorization server before transferring the funds to your merchant account. As you process transactions, the terminal and authorization server track the transaction history (operations) in the open batch. When you process a settlement, you close the active batch and clear the transaction history on the terminal and authorization server.

NOTE: When you process a settlement, the terminal is unable to perform any other transaction at that time.

To process a settlement:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Settlement.

  1. On the Settlement page, touch Process settlement.

  1. Touch Host Totals to confirm that the transaction totals on the terminal correspond to the totals on the server.
    If the transaction totals match, the Process Settlement button appears green.
    If the transaction totals do not match, the Process Settlement button appears red.

  1. Touch PROCESS SETTLEMENT to close the open batch of transactions.
    The screen turns green when the settlement is complete.

Terminal Management

Set Terminal Use

You can configure your payment terminal to the specific type of business and situation it is used in. This enables the terminal to refer to the operator in a way that is appropriate to the business situation and is particularly helpful when you have multiple operators configured for the terminal.

Business Type

Operator Name

Operator Management Screen







To configure the terminal use:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Terminal Options.

  1. In the General section, touch Set application type.

  1. Select the business type your terminal operates in. The options are:
  1. Retail
  2. Restaurant
  3. Delivery

Set Accepted Card Type

You can configure your payment terminal to accept credit cards, debit cards, or both. If you select only one type of card, the terminal will not recognize the other type. 

For example, if you configure the terminal to accept only debit cards, when a customer tries to pay with a credit card, the terminal will display a message that it only accepts debit cards.

To configure the card types the terminal accepts:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Terminal Options.

  1. In the General section, touch Set terminal type.

  1. Select the card type your business accepts. The options are:
  1. Both (Credit/Debit)
  2. Credit only
  3. Debit only

Change Merchant Language

You can change the language that appears for terminal operations. The merchant language is the language used for the application’s menus and commands and is separate from the language configured on the customer’s card.

For example, your terminal’s merchant language could be English, but when a French speaking customer uses their card, the instructions appear in French.

To set the language of operation for the terminal:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Terminal Options.

  1. In the General section, touch Set merchant language.

  1. Select operation language for the terminal. The options are:
  1. English
  2. French

The application returns to the main screen in the selected language.

Change Screen Appearance

You can change the appearance of the terminal’s display to better match your business environment. The application theme can be light or dark, as shown in the following examples:

Dark Theme

Light Theme

To set the application’s appearance:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Terminal Options.

  1. In the General section, toggle Dark theme to On to use the dark theme or toggle to Off to use the light theme.
    The application returns to the main screen using the selected theme.

By default, the application displays the PayFacto logo on the main screen. You can hide the logo from the screen if desired.

To display of hide the PayFacto logo on the main screen:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Terminal Options.

  1. In the General section, toggle Show logo to On to display the logo on the main screen or toggle to Off to hide the logo.

Require Password on Exit

As a security measure, the application requires, by default, the entry of the Admin password before closing the application. You can disable this function if desired, however this means that anyone can close the payment application and access the other applications and functions on the terminal.

To enable or disable password protection on application exit:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Terminal Options.

  1. In the General section, toggle Ask password on exit to On to require the Admin password before closing the application or toggle to Off to allow the application to exit without the Admin password.

Invoice Numbering

For bookkeeping purposes, invoices are numbered. The numbering can be done manually or automatically. By default, the terminal numbers the invoices automatically, in sequence. If you disable automatic invoice numbering, the terminal prompts the operator to manually input an invoice number (maximum of 12 numeric characters); you cannot process a transaction without an invoice number.

To enable/disable automatic invoice numbering:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Terminal Options.

  1. In the General section, toggle Automatic Invoice Number to On to enable automatic invoice numbering or toggle to Off to enter the invoice number manually for every transaction.

Enable Terminal Sounds

The terminal provides feedback on transactions by displaying messages and with sounds. Sounds are enabled by default. If you disable sounds, the terminal will be muted and only the only feedback you will receive is the display messages.

NOTEThe audio confirmation when transactions are approved or declined is not affected by this setting; they will be heard even if you disable all other terminal sounds.

To enable/disable terminal sounds:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Terminal Options.

  1. In the General section, toggle Action Sounds to On to enable terminal sounds or toggle to Off to silence the terminal.

Require Card Verification

By default, as a fraud-prevention method for swipe transactions, the terminal requires the operator to verify that the card’s last 4 digits match the numbers that appear on screen. If you disable card verification, the terminal will process swipe transactions without card verification.

To enable/disable card verification:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Terminal Options.

  1. In the General section, toggle Validate last four digits to On to require operator verification of the card or toggle to Off to allow swipe transactions without verification.

Customer Payment Method Selection

You can configure the terminal to ask the customer if they want to pay with cash or with a card. When you enable the cash or card question, the operator enters the amount of the sale before passing the terminal to the customer. The customer then touches the payment method they want to use to continue the transaction. By default, the cash or card question is disabled.

To enable the terminal to ask the customer what method they want to use to pay:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Terminal Options.

  1. In the General section, toggle Cash or card question to On to have the terminal ask the customer how they want to pay. 
    If you enable the question and later want to disable it, toggle this setting to Off.

Add Tip Option

If your business includes the option to tip, you can enable tipping on the terminal, where the customer can add a tip value in addition to the sale. By default, tipping is disabled on the terminal.

To enable tipping in addition to the sale:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Terminal Options.

  1. In the Tip section, toggle Tip Processing? to On to enable tipping.

Add Preset Tip Amount

When you enable tipping, you can configure as many as three preset percentages that are presented as options to the customer. The customer can touch one of the preset values or manually enter an amount for the tip.

To add a preset tip percentage option for the customer:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Terminal Options.

  1. In the Tip section, touch Tip Percentage Preset 1 to set the value.

  1. Enter a tip percentage (between 1 and 99) using the keypad that appears and touch OK.

  1. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to add percentages for Tip Percentage Preset 2 and Tip Percentage Preset 3.

Edit a Preset Tip Amount

If required, you can easily change the value of any of the preset tip percentages presented to the customer.

To edit a preset tip percentage:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Terminal Options.

  1. In the Tip section, touch the Tip Percentage Preset value you want to edit.

  1. Touch the Backspace button on the keypad that appears to remove the current value.

  1. Enter a new tip percentage (between 1 and 99) and touch OK.

Enable Manual Tip Percentage

In addition to offering preset tip percentage options to the customer, you can also allow the customer to manually enter their own tip percentage by touching the Other % button. 


NOTE: At any time, the customer can manually enter a dollar and cents value for the tip, regardless of the percentage options that are available.

To enable a manual tip percentage option for the customer:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Terminal Options.

  1. In the Tip section, toggle Manual Tip Percentage Input to On.

Enable Tip and Total Lines

If your sales include the option to tip, but the terminal cannot be brought to the customer, you can pre-authorize a transaction amount and bring the printed receipt to the customer to allow them to manually enter the tip and total amounts.

To enable the tip and total lines on a pre-authorized sale:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Terminal Options.

  1. In the Tip section, toggle Total Line Printout to On.

Enable Cashback

If you want to offer your customers the ability to withdraw cash in addition to their purchase, you can do so for debit card transactions only. By default, cashback is disabled on the terminal.

NOTE: The cashback feature for a debit sale is not available if a terminal is configured to operate as an unattended device.

To enable tipping in addition to the sale:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Terminal Options.

  1. In the Cashback section, toggle Cashback Processing? to On to enable the cashback option.

Add Preset Cashback Amount

When you enable the cashback option, you can configure as many as three preset amounts that are presented as options to the customer. The customer can touch one of the preset values or manually enter an amount for cashback.

To add a preset cashback amount option for the customer:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Terminal Options.

  1. In the Cashback section, touch Cashback Amount Preset 1 to set the value.

  1. Enter the cashback amount (between 1 and 999) using the keypad that appears and touch OK.

  1. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to add percentages for Cashback Amount Preset 2 and Cashback Amount Preset 3.

Edit a Preset Cashback Amount

If required, you can easily change the value of any of the preset cashback amounts presented to the customer.

To edit a preset cashback amount:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Terminal Options.

  1. In the Cashback section, touch the Cashback Amount Preset value you want to edit.

  1. Touch the Backspace button on the keypad that appears to remove the current value.

  1. Enter a new cashback amount (between 1 and 999) and touch OK.

Require Customer Signature for Cashback

As a security measure, you can require customers receiving a cashback amount to confirm they received the cash by signing on the merchant copy of the receipt. 

To enable the customer signature for cashback:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Terminal Options.

  1. In the Cashback section, toggle Print Signature Line to On.

Application Management

The following sections describe the different application functions you can configure to better suit your business needs.

Contactless Transactions

The following procedures explain how to configure contactless transactions on your terminal.

Enable Contactless

By default, the terminal supports contactless transactions (sales and refunds) through touch or tap with a card or supported device. If desired, you can disable contactless transactions, or re-enable it if you have previously disabled it as an option. 

To enable/disable contactless transactions:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Application Options.

  1. In the Contactless section, toggle Enable Contactless Transactions to On.
    To disable contactless transactions, toggle Enable Contactless Transactions to Off.

Select Contactless Technologies

Each payment processor/card has their own touch/tap payment technology. The terminal supports all major technologies. When you enable contactless transactions, you can select which technologies you will accept. The available technologies include:

  1. Visa PayWave
  2. MCL / PayPass
  3. Interac Flash
  4. AMEX ExpressPay
  5. JCB JSpeedy
  6. Discover DPAS/ZIP

TIP: As a security measure, it is recommended that you disable any contactless technology you do not accept, to prevent a client from attempting to use a card from a payment processor you do not have an agreement with.

To enable/disable a contactless technology:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Application Options.

  1. In the Contactless section, touch the toggle button to enable or disable the individual contactless technologies.

Completion without Pre-Authorization

If you use multiple terminals, it is possible that a pre-authorization performed on one terminal cannot be completed on the same terminal. For example, a hotel might pre-authorize an amount using one terminal, but complete the pre-authorization using a different terminal. The Completion without Pre-Authorization function saves the pre-authorization information on the payment server rather than on the terminal; this allows the completion of a pre-authorization on any available terminal.

IMPORTANT: This function can only be used with the terminal in ECR mode, where pre-authorization and completion transactions are saved on a POS system.

To activate or disable the completion without pre-authorization function:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch the Settings button.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Application Options.

  1. In the Completion without Pre Auth section, toggle the Enable completion without pre-authorization button to enable or disable the function. 

Automated Settlement

Processing a settlement is the reconciliation of transactions between the terminal and the authorization server. Manual settlement is explained in the Process Settlement procedure. You can request that your merchant account have access to automated settlements; automated settlements occur every day at the same time (as defined by the merchant). To request automated settlements, contact customer support at 1-888-800-6622.

By default, the Enable Auto-Settlement function is disabled in the Application Options menu, as shown below:

After configuring automated settlements for your merchant account, the terminal may need to download updated parameters; should this be required, the terminal will display error code 381 when you try to process a transaction, as shown below:

This is a temporary situation, and you can retry the transaction after the terminal updates the parameters.

NOTE: The terminal is unable to process any transactions during the time that it is performing an automatic settlement; this interruption is generally brief and it is recommended that automated settlements occur outside of normal business hours.

After automated settlements are enabled on your merchant account, three additional fields appear in the Auto-Settlement section:

  1. Enable print detail: Toggle this setting to On if you want the terminal to print a detailed settlement report after the automated settlement.
  2. Enable print summary: Toggle this setting to On if you want the terminal to print a summary settlement report after the automated settlement.
  3. Switch hour: This field displays the time at which the automated settlement occurs daily. To change the time for automatic settlements, you must contact customer support.

Gift Cards

The PayFacto payment application can process DataCandy-issued gift cards by adding the gift card transactions to the list of available transactions. When you enable the processing of gift cards, the list of available transactions expands as shown below:

Payment-Only Transactions

Payment and Gift Card Transactions

IMPORTANT: To be able to process gift cards, you must install and configure the Gift PayFacto powered by DataCandy application on the terminal.

To activate gift card transactions in the PayFacto payment application:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch the Settings button.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Application Options.

  1. Scroll to the Gift card section.

  1. Toggle the Gift card button to On to add the gift card transactions to the PayFacto payment application’s transactions list.

Clerk Management

If your business has multiple employees who use the payment terminal, you can enable each operator to identify themselves before completing a transaction. Additionally, you can require each operator to enter a password before they can complete an operation; this ensures that no unauthorized individuals can use the terminal.

Enable Clerk Identification

By default, any number of clerks can operate the terminal, but you can require individual clerks to identify themselves. When enabled, the terminal identifies individual clerks using their identification number, which they enter prior to completing a transaction.

NOTE: You cannot enable or disable clerk identification if there is an open batch of transactions; process the settlement before performing this procedure.

To enable/disable clerk identification:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Application Options.

  1. In the Clerk section, touch the Enable Clerk/Operators toggle button to enable or disable clerk identification.

IMPORTANT: When you enable the use of clerks, you must add at least one operator/clerk before you can process a transaction.

Add a Clerk

When you enable clerk identification prior to completing a transaction, you need to add at least one clerk to the terminal.

NOTE: If your business uses more than one payment terminal, you will need to enable clerk identification and add the individual clerks on each terminal separately.

To add a clerk:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Application Options.

  1. In the Clerk section, touch Clerk Management.

  1. Tap the Add New Clerk button.
    NOTE: Depending on the nature of your business, configured in the Set Terminal Use procedure, the button can display Add New ClerkAdd New Waiter, or Add New Driver.

  1. Enter the clerk’s unique identification number in the Clerk field; numbers can range from 1 to 999.

  1. Touch the Password field and enter a password that is 4 to 6 characters in length.
    NOTE: The password is a required element when configuring a clerk but is only enforced when the Password Input toggle is turned to On. Refer to Enforce Clerk Password Use for more information.
  1. Touch the Repeat password field and re-enter the password to confirm.
  1. Touch OK. The new clerk ID appears in a list.

  1. Repeat steps 6 to 10 for each additional clerk you want to create.

Enforce Clerk Password Use

In addition to requiring terminal operators to identify themselves, you can require that they enter a password to further prevent unauthorized use of the terminal.

HINT: You should consider whether you will require clerks to use a password before configuring the clerk “accounts”. If you forget the passwords before enforcing their use, you will have to delete all the clerks and start over.

To require clerks to enter a password before completing a transaction:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Application Options.

  1. In the Clerk section, toggle Password Input to On.

NOTE: If an operator forgets their password, you can use the Merchant or Administrator password as a workaround. If you have also forgotten the password, you will need to delete that clerk and re-create it with a new password.

Synchronize Clerks with Host Server

When you enable the identification of clerks on the terminal, you can synchronize the settings with the host server.

To synchronize clerks on the terminal with the host server:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Application Options.

  1. In the Clerk section, toggle Clerk Synchronization With Host to On.

Change a Clerk’s Password

It is simple to change a clerk’s password. You may need to change a password if an employee is assigned another employee’s clerk number, or you may want to change passwords on a recurring basis for terminal security.

To change a clerk’s password:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Application Options.

  1. In the Clerk section, touch Clerk Management.

  1. Touch the Edit (pencil) icon for the clerk whose password you want to change.

  1. Enter the clerk’s current password in the Enter Old password field.

  1. Touch the Password field and enter a new password that is 4 to 6 characters in length.
  1. Touch the Repeat password field and re-enter the new password to confirm.
  1. Touch OK.

Deleting Clerks

You may want to remove the requirement for clerks to identify themselves. There are 3 ways to remove clerks from the terminal:

  1. Disable clerk identification
  2. Delete individual clerks
  3. Delete all clerks

IMPORTANT: If your business uses more than one terminal, you must disable or delete the clerk(s) from all terminals.

NOTE: You cannot disable or delete clerks if there is an open batch of transactions; process the settlement before performing the procedure.

Disable Clerk Identification

If you choose to disable clerk identification, any clerks you have previously configured (including their passwords) will remain stored on the terminal. The procedure to disable clerk identification is the same as the Enable Clerk Identification procedure, but you toggle Enable Clerk/Operators to Off.

Delete One Clerk

Deleting a single clerk only removes that clerk and its associated password from the terminal. All other clerks configured on the terminal will remain operational.

To delete an individual clerk:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Application Options.

  1. In the Clerk section, touch Clerk Management.

  1. Tap the Delete (trash can) icon for the clerk you want to remove.

  1. Touch OK to confirm you want to delete the clerk.

  1. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for each individual clerk you want to remove.

Delete All Clerks

If required, you can delete all existing clerks on the terminal at one time.

IMPORTANT: IF you delete all clerks from the terminal, you must either disable clerk identification or add at least one new clerk before you can process any transactions. Refer to Disable Clerk Identification or Add a Clerk for the appropriate procedure.

To delete all clerks on the terminal:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Application Options.

  1. In the Clerk section, touch Clerk Management.

  1. Tap the Delete All Clerk button.

  1. Touch OK to confirm you want to delete all the clerks on the terminal.

View a Clerk’s Terminal Activity

You can view the number and type of transactions (credit, debit, and pre-authorization) for each clerk configured on the terminal. This list of transactions is for the current, open batch and resets to zero when you process a settlement.

To view a clerk’s transactions on the terminal:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Application Options.

  1. In the Clerk section, touch Clerk Management.

  1. Touch the Expand (down arrow) icon for the clerk whose activity you want to view.
    The clerk’s active transactions for the current batch appears.

  1. Touch the Collapse (up arrow) icon to close the list of transactions.

  1. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for any additional clerks whose activity you want to view.

You can print a list of transactions in the current batch for all clerks configured on the terminal. This prints a consolidated list for all clerks of the information you can view in the View a Clerk’s Terminal Activity procedure.

To print the list of transactions for the clerks on the terminal:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Application Options.

  1. In the Clerk section, touch Clerk Management.

  1. Tap the Print Clerk List button.
    A list of clerks and their transactions in the current batch prints.


You can assign passwords to specific operators and terminal functions to protect the terminal from unauthorized use. Passwords are numeric (numbers only) and between 4 and 6 characters in length to provide security without slowing down the overall time it takes to process a transaction.

Understanding Password Hierarchy

The terminal uses passwords for different user levels. The user levels follow a hierarchy, and a “higher” level password can enable a function for a “lower” level user. For example, an operator can use a Merchant password to enable a password-protected sale, while an Administrator password can unlock functions that require a Merchant password.

The hierarchy of passwords is the following:

User Level



An algorithm-generated password provided by the Technical Support team when required to access the terminal’s advanced settings. Each Superuser password is unique and can’t be re-used.


Assigned at the time of terminal configuration, the Administrator password protects the terminal against unauthorized password changes and closing the PayFacto app. You can use the Administrator password for any function that requires a Merchant or operator password.


Assigned at the time of terminal configuration, the Merchant password protects the terminal from completing sales-related functions without authorization. You can use the Merchant password to complete a transaction when operator identification requires a password to process a sale.


Assigned when configuring one or more terminal operators. Can be enabled to protect unauthorized sales when paired with the associated operator identifier.

Wrong Password Entries

If you enter a password incorrectly, the terminal displays an Access refused error message. 

The Password field re-appears, prompting you for the required password with a number in parenthesis, which represents the number of tries remaining before the terminal locks out the user profile. An operator has 5 attempts to enter the password correctly; the counter resets after the password is entered correctly.

Forgotten Password

If a user forgets a password, the reset procedure depends on the user level. The following table explains who can reset which password and what procedure to use:

User Level

Who can reset the password

What to do


Technical Support

The Administrator password can only be reset with a Superuser password, which requires the assistance of Technical Support. Refer to the Obtaining Support procedure.



Merchant password can be reset using the Administrator user level and password. Refer to the Change Merchant Password procedure.


Administrator or Merchant

The Operator password can be reset using the Administrator or Merchant user level and password. Refer to the Change a Clerk’s Password procedure.

Change Administrator Password

Before using the terminal, an Administrator password was assigned during the initial configuration. The Administrator password provides access to advanced terminal functions and can also enable password-protected operations. You can change the Administrator password whenever you feel it necessary.

IMPORTANT: Do not forget the new Administrator password; the only way to reset it is to contact the technical support team.

To change the Administrator password:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Passwords.

  1. In the Set password section, touch Administrator Password.

  1. Enter the current Administrator password and touch OK.

  1. Enter the new, 6-character password in the New Password field and touch OK.

  1. Re-enter the new password in the Confirm Password field and touch OK.
    If the passwords match, the terminal displays New password saved and returns to the Settings page.
    If the passwords do not match, the terminal displays Invalid password and displays the Confirm Password field.

Change Merchant Password

Before using the terminal, a Merchant password was assigned during the initial configuration. The Merchant password protects against unauthorized users performing certain operations. You can change the Merchant password whenever you feel it necessary. 

IMPORTANT: Do not forget the new Merchant password; the only way to reset it is to contact the technical support team.

To change the Merchant password:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the current Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Passwords.

  1. In the Set password section, touch Merchant Password.

  1. Enter the Administrator password and touch OK.

  1. Enter the new, 6-character password in the New Password field and touch OK.

  1. Re-enter the new password in the Confirm Password field and touch OK.
    If the passwords match, the terminal displays New password saved and returns to the Settings page.
    If the passwords do not match, the terminal displays Invalid password and displays the Confirm Password field.

Password Protect Features and Transactions

For added security, you can require the Merchant password for certain functions or transactions before the operation can proceed. By default, this security measure is enabled for the following functions and transactions:

  1. Refund
  2. Force post
  3. Void
  4. Cash
  5. Swipe
  6. Manual entry (if your merchant account is configured to allow manual entry)

Additionally, you can require the Administrator password for the Refund and Void transactions for additional security.

If you disable the password requirement for a feature or transaction, any terminal user can perform that operation without entering the merchant password.

NOTE: To ensure the security of your transactions, it is strongly recommended that you enable password use for the selected features.

To enable/disable password protection for a feature or transaction:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Passwords.

  1. In the Password on features section, touch the toggle button to enable or disable password protection for the following:
  1. Force post transactions
  2. Cash transactions
  3. Swipe transactions
  4. Manual Entry

  1. For the Refund and Void transactions, touch Refund transactions or Void transactions to select the level of security:
  1. None
  2. Merchant
  3. Admin


If your terminal has a built-in printer, or connects to an external printer, there are several printing options you can enable in addition to the transaction receipts for sales.

Configuring the Printing Options

If your terminal is equipped with a printer, you can adjust the printer settings to suit your business needs. The available printing options are:

  1. Printing of receipts
  2. Printing of the merchant copy
  3. Color depth of the printout

IMPORTANT: It is strongly recommended that you do not disable the printing of sales receipts, as customers need their receipt to get a refund or otherwise have proof of purchase.

To adjust the terminal’s printing options:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Printer Options.

  1. In the Copies section, toggle Receipt Copy Printouts to On to enable receipt printing or Off to disable printing.

  1. To enable printing of the merchant copy of the receipt, toggle Merchant copy to On or toggle to or Off to disable printing of the merchant copy.

  1. Touch Select color depth of printouts to set the color density of the receipts. The color depth and its associated printing speed affect the terminal’s battery life. The options are:
  1. Pale: Lightest printout, prints faster and uses less battery.
  2. Normal: Default printout setting, average printing speed and battery use.
  3. Dark: Darkest printing, prints slower and uses more battery.

Selecting Transactions to Print

In addition to printing receipts for sales transactions, you can print receipts for some non-sales transactions, including:

  1. Declined transactions
  2. Void transactions
  3. Completion transactions
  4. Force post transactions

IMPORTANT: If you disable printing for any of these settings, the customer will have no physical evidence of these transactions. 

In addition to the transactions listed above, the terminal can configure the following printer settings:

  1. Print reverse on declined: Prints the transaction result in white on a dark background for declined transactions.
  2. Print ECR mode transactions: Uses the terminal’s printer for payment transactions processed on a separate POS system.

To enable/disable additional printing options:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Printer Options.

  1. In the Receipts section, touch the toggle button to enable or disable printing for individual transactions and features.

Add a Personal Message

You can add a personalized message at the bottom of every printed receipt. Your message can contain up to 4 lines with 44 characters (including spaces) per line. 

HINT: You should prepare your message on a piece of paper in advance, to ensure that you have the correct number of characters per line.

To a personalized message to your printed receipts:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Printer Options.

  1. In the Footer section, toggle Footer Printing? to On.

  1. Touch Footer Line 1 and enter the text for the first line of the message in the text field that appears and touch OK.

  1. If necessary, repeat step 6 for Footer Line 2, Footer Line 3, and Footer Line 4 as required

NOTE: The personalized message appears on all printed receipts, the merchant copy as well as the customer copy.

Edit a Personalized Message

If you notice an error in your personalized message, or you want to change some text in the message, you can easily edit your message. Repeat the Add a Personal Message procedure and adjust the text on the line(s) you want to modify.

Delete Personalized Message

You can easily remove your existing personalized message, in order to enter a new one or to leave the receipts blank.

To a delete the personalized message on the receipt footers:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Printer Options.

  1. In the Footer section, touch Footer Value Reset.
    The Footer Line 1Footer Line 2, Footer Line 3, and Footer Line 4 are cleared.

Reprint a Transaction Receipt

If a transaction receipt is lost or damaged, you can easily reprint a duplicate copy of the receipt.

IMPORTANT: Reprinting a receipt is only available for the current batch of transactions. If you process a settlement, the transactions from that settlement are no longer available to reprint.

To reprint a transaction receipt:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Reports.

  1. Touch Batch Details.
    NOTE: If you have one or more clerks enabled on the terminal, you must choose whether to display the transactions for one clerk or all clerks.

  1. Scroll to or search for the desired transaction.

  1. When you locate the desired transaction, touch the transaction line to display the transaction details.

  1. Touch the Reprint button. 
    The receipt prints with **DUPLICATE** printed in addition to the transaction information.

Transaction Reports

The terminal can report on the transactions, allowing you to view either detailed or summary information on the transactions and transaction types in the current batch. Detailed reports display a list of every transaction in the current batch, including date, time, transaction type, payment method, invoice number, and amount.

The terminal’s printer (built-in or external) can print transaction reports for the current batch. For reconciliation purposes, you may want to print a report prior to processing a settlement, but it is not a requirement. Printing reports is meant to assist with your bookkeeping.

View Detailed Report

Viewing the detailed report for the current batch of transactions allows you to see each individual transaction’s details and allows you to reprint or void the transaction if desired.

To view a detailed list of transactions for the current batch:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Reports.

  1. Touch Batch Details.
    A list of transactions in the current batch appears. 
    NOTE: If you have one or more clerks enabled on the terminal, you must choose whether to display the transactions for one clerk or all clerks.

  1. Scroll to or search for specific transactions.

  1. Touch the transaction line to display any transaction’s details.

  1. Touch the transaction line again to hide the transaction’s details.

Search Detailed Report

When viewing a detailed report, the current batch of transactions may be too large to easily scroll through when looking for a specific transaction. The search function allows you to locate a transaction using the invoice or sequence number.

To search a detailed list of transactions for the current batch:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Reports.

  1. Touch Batch Details.
    A list of transactions in the current batch appears. 
    NOTE: If you have one or more clerks enabled on the terminal, you must choose whether to display the transactions for one clerk or all clerks.

  1. Touch the Search icon.

  1. Use the keypad to begin typing the invoice or sequence number.
    Transactions matching the results appear automatically.

  1. When you locate the desired transaction, touch the transaction line to display the details.

You may want to have a printed copy of the transactions for the current batch prior to processing the settlement. Printing a detailed report allows you to reconcile each transaction as part of your bookkeeping.

NOTE: Printing a detailed report can consume a large quantity of paper, depending on the number of transactions in the current batch.

To print a detailed list of transactions for the current batch:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Reports.

  1. Touch Batch Details.
    A list of transactions in the current batch appears. 
    NOTE: If you have one or more clerks enabled on the terminal, you must choose whether to display the transactions for one clerk or all clerks.

  1. Touch the Print icon.

View Summary Report

Viewing the summary report for the current batch of transactions allows you to see the totals for each payment method used, including sales, refunds, tips, cashbacks, and fees.

To view a summary list of transactions for the current batch:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Reports.

  1. Touch Batch Summary.
    A list of transaction payment types for the current batch appears. 
    NOTE: If you have one or more clerks enabled on the terminal, you must choose whether to display the transactions for one clerk or all clerks.

  1. If desired, scroll to a specific payment type and touch the line to display the payment type’s totals.

  1. Touch the line again to hide the payment type’s totals.

You may want to have a printed copy of the transactions for the current batch prior to processing the settlement. Printing a summary report allows you to reconcile transactions by payment type as part of your bookkeeping.

To print a summary list of transactions for the current batch:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Reports.

  1. Touch Batch Summary.
    A list of transaction payment types for the current batch appears. 
    NOTE: If you have one or more clerks enabled on the terminal, you must choose whether to display the transactions for one clerk or all clerks.

  1. Touch the Print button.

Using Training Mode

The terminal has a training mode that allows users to process transactions in a simulated environment to learn and understand the terminal’s various functions. When in training mode, the terminal does not communicate with the server, and it functions even when the terminal has no network connection.

IMPORTANT: You cannot enable or disable training mode if there are any open batch transactions on the terminal; you must process your settlement to close out the open transactions before you can access or leave training mode. 

To enter/leave training mode:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.

  1. Touch Settings.

  1. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.

  1. On the Settings page, touch Training Mode.

  1. Toggle Training Mode? to On to enable training mode and touch OK.

  1. To disable training mode, toggle Training Mode? to Off.

CAUTION: It is possible to lock a card in training mode, as some security features are stored on the card’s chip.

Understanding Host Options

The Host Options menu displays information about the payment host. You should not change any of the settings in the Host Options menu unless specifically instructed by PayFacto support. The Host Options menu contains the following information:

  1. Host Identification: Displays your Merchant ID and Terminal ID as configured prior to your receiving the terminal.
  2. PayFacto Hosts Settings: Identifies the current settings for the host’s address and location using the Download Host IP/Name and Download Host Port options.
  3. Parameters Download: The Process parameters download option downloads the latest host parameters and security keys using the information contained in the other sections of the Host Options menu.

Obtaining Support

The PayFacto application offers 24/7 technical support at 1-888-800-6622

About Menu

The About menu displays information about the terminal, the software version, and current batch information. You may be asked by PayFacto support to reference this information, but none of the fields are editable.

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