PayFacto - Clerk Management

PayFacto - Clerk Management

If your business has multiple employees who use the payment terminal, you can enable each operator to identify themselves before completing a transaction. Additionally, you can require each operator to enter a password before they can complete an operation; this ensures that no unauthorized individuals can use the terminal.

Enable Clerk Identification

By default, any number of clerks can operate the terminal, but you can require individual clerks to identify themselves. When enabled, the terminal identifies individual clerks using their identification number, which they enter prior to completing a transaction.

NOTE: You can’t enable or disable clerk identification if there is an open batch of transactions; process the settlement before performing this procedure.

To enable/disable clerk identification:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.  
  2. Touch Settings
  3. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.
  4. On the Settings page, touch Application Options
  5. In the Clerk section, touch the Enable Clerk/Operators toggle button to enable or disable clerk identification
  6. Touch the Exit icon twice to return to the main screen 

: When you enable the use of clerks, you must add at least one operator/clerk before you can process a transaction.

Related topics:


Add a Clerk

When you enable clerk identification prior to completing a transaction, you need to add at least one clerk to the terminal.

NOTE: If your business uses more than one payment terminal, you will need to enable clerk identification and add the individual clerks on each terminal separately.

To add a clerk:
  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen.
  2. Touch Settings
  3. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.
  4. On the Settings page, touch Application Options.
  5. In the Clerk section, touch Clerk Management.
  6. Tap the Add New Clerk button.
  7. Enter the clerk’s unique identification number in the Clerk field; numbers can range from 1 to 999.
  8. Touch the Password field and enter a password that is 4 to 6 characters in length. 
NOTE: The password is a required element when configuring a clerk but is only enforced when the Password Input toggle is turned to On. Refer to Enforce Clerk Password Use for more information.
  1. Touch the Repeat password field and re-enter the password to confirm
  2. Touch OK. The new clerk ID appears in a list.
  3. Repeat steps 6 to 10 for each additional clerk you want to create.
  4. Touch the Exit icon three times to return to the main screen.

In addition to requiring terminal operators to identify themselves, you can require that they enter a password to further prevent unauthorized use of the terminal.

HINT: You should consider whether you will require clerks to use a password before configuring the clerk “accounts”. If you forget the passwords before enforcing their use, you will have to delete all the clerks and start over.

To require clerks to enter a password before completing a transaction:
  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen. 
  2. Touch Settings
  3. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.
  4. On the Settings page, touch Application Options.
  5. In the Clerk section, toggle Password Input to On
  6. Touch the Exit icon twice to return to the main screen. 

NOTE: If an operator forgets their password, you can use the Merchant or Administrator password as a workaround. If you have also forgotten the password, you will need to delete that clerk and re-create it with a new password.

Related topics:

When you enable the identification of clerks on the terminal, you can synchronize the settings with the host server.

To synchronize clerks on the terminal with the host server:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen. 
  2. Touch Settings 
  3. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK.
  4. On the Settings page, touch Application Options.
  5. In the Clerk section, toggle Clerk Synchronization With Host to On.
  6. Touch the Exit icon twice to return to the main screen. 

Related topics:


It is simple to change a clerk’s password. You may need to change a password if an employee is assigned another employee’s clerk number, or you may want to change passwords on a recurring basis for terminal security.

To change a clerk’s password:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen. 
  2. Touch Settings
  3. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK
  4. On the Settings page, touch Application Options.
  5. In the Clerk section, touch Clerk Management 
  6. Touch the Edit (pencil) icon for the clerk whose password you want to change.
  7. Enter the clerk’s current password in the Enter Old password field.
  8. Touch the Password field and enter a new password that is 4 to 6 characters in length
  9. Touch the Repeat password field and re-enter the new password to confirm.
  10. Touch OK
  11. Touch the Exit icon three times to return to the main screen 

You may want to remove the requirement for clerks to identify themselves. There are 3 ways to remove clerks from the terminal:

  1. Disable clerk identification
  2. Delete individual clerks
  3. Delete all clerks 

IMPORTANT: If your business uses more than one terminal, you must disable or delete the clerk(s) from all terminals.

NOTE: You can’t disable or delete clerks if there is an open batch of transactions; process the settlement before performing the procedure.

Disable Clerk Identification

If you choose to disable clerk identification, any clerks you have previously configured (including their passwords) will remain stored on the terminal. The procedure to disable clerk identification is the same as the Enable Clerk Identification procedure, but you toggle Enable Clerk/Operators to Off.

Deleting a single clerk only removes that clerk and its associated password from the terminal. All other clerks configured on the terminal will remain operational.

To delete an individual clerk:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen
  2. Touch Settings 
  3. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK
  4. On the Settings page, touch Application Options
  5. In the Clerk section, touch Clerk Management 
  6. Tap the Delete (trash can) icon for the clerk you want to remove
  7. Touch OK to confirm you want to delete the clerk
  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for each individual clerk you want to remove
  9. Touch the Exit icon three times to return to the main screen 

Delete All Clerks

If required, you can delete all existing clerks on the terminal at one time.

IMPORTANT: IF you delete all clerks from the terminal, you must either disable clerk identification or add at least one new clerk before you can process any transactions. Refer to Disable Clerk Identification or Add a Clerk for the appropriate procedure.

To delete all clerks on the terminal:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen 
  2. Touch Settings 
  3. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK
  4. On the Settings page, touch Application Options
  5. In the Clerk section, touch Clerk Management 
  6. Tap the Delete All Clerk button
  7. Touch OK to confirm you want to delete all the clerks on the terminal
  8. Touch the Exit icon three times to return to the main screen 

View a Clerk’s Terminal Activity

You can view the number and type of transactions (credit, debit, and pre-authorization) for each clerk configured on the terminal. This list of transactions is for the current, open batch and resets to zero when you process a settlement.

To view a clerk’s transactions on the terminal:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen 
  2. Touch Settings 
  3. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK
  4. On the Settings page, touch Application Options
  5. In the Clerk section, touch Clerk Management 
  6. Touch the Expand (down arrow) icon for the clerk whose activity you want to view.  The clerk’s active transactions for the current batch appears
  7. Touch the Collapse (up arrow) icon to close the list of transactions
  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for any additional clerks whose activity you want to view
  9. Touch the Exit icon three times to return to the main screen 

Print Clerk Transaction Activity List

You can print a list of transactions in the current batch for all clerks configured on the terminal. This prints a consolidated list for all clerks of the information you can view in the View a Clerk’s Terminal Activity procedure.

To print the list of transactions for the clerks on the terminal:

  1. Touch the Action button on the main screen 
  2. Touch Settings 
  3. Enter the Merchant password and touch OK
  4. On the Settings page, touch Application Options
  5. In the Clerk section, touch Clerk Management 
  6. Tap the Print Clerk List button.  A list of clerks and their transactions in the current batch prints
  7. Touch the Exit icon three times to return to the main screen 

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