PAX A920 Pro Setup Guide

PAX A920 Pro Setup Guide

This document will guide you through the process of preparing and configuring your payment terminal in order to quickly begin processing payments.
Your A920 Pro payment processing terminal comes with the following:
  1. Payment terminal
  2. Roll of printer paper
  3. AC power outlet
  4. USB to USB Type-C charging cable

You may also have an optional charger and external printer included, but this document addresses the most basic delivery configuration.

The setup guide will explain how to:

  1. Charge the terminal
  2. Install the printer paper
  3. Install the SIM card for mobile network access
  4. Configure the terminal’s display language
  5. Configure the terminal’s Wi-Fi settings
  6. Install and configure the PayFacto software (if necessary)

Charging the Terminal

After you remove the terminal and accessories from the box, you need to charge the terminal before you can use it. The pre-installed battery has a protective cover on the contacts to prevent the possibility of a short circuit during transport.

To charge the terminal:

  1. Turn the terminal over.
  2. On the back of the terminal at the bottom, slide the battery cover latch to the right.
  3. Lift the battery cover off the terminal. You should notice a plastic tab at the top of the battery.

  4. Lift the battery from the terminal and remove the plastic tab.
  5. Re-install the battery, pushing on the bottom of the battery to seat it correctly.
  6. Re-install the battery cover on the terminal and slide the latch to the lock position on the left and turn the terminal over.

  7. Insert the USB cable in the AC outlet and connect the outlet to an AC plug.
  8. Insert the USB Type-C connector in the terminal’s charging port, located on the left side, below the Volume control button. The terminal begins charging.
    NOTE: The terminal’s charging port may have a protective cover; you will need to remove it before inserting the USB Type-C port.

Installing the Printer Paper

If the supplied roll of printer paper was not already installed in the terminal when you received it, you will need to install it before you can print any transaction receipts.
TIP: This procedure also applies to replacing a roll of printer paper.
To install the printer paper:
  1. On the back of the terminal near the top, lift the lever to unlock and open the printer cover.
    NOTE: The printer cover opens on a hinge, it does not come off the terminal.
  2. The paper tray contains an illustration of how to install the roll of paper. 

    Place the roll of printer paper in the paper tray, leaving about 2 inches (5 cm) of paper beyond the printer's cutter.
    IMPORTANT: Make sure the paper unrolls from the back of the roll, otherwise the printer will be unable to print the transaction receipt.
  3. Close the printer cover until it snaps into place and remove any excess paper.

Install the SIM Card

If you plan to use your terminal outside of your usual wi-fi network, you need to install the mobile SIM card, provided by PayFacto or your mobile communications provider. The SIM card will connect you to a mobile network, allowing you to process payments anywhere the terminal has reception. Mobile network access can also serve as a backup connection if your wi-fi network reception is unreliable in certain areas. The terminal uses the micro-SIM card size.

NOTE: If you plan to use your terminal only on your wi-fi network, you can skip this procedure.
To install the mobile SIM card:
  1. Make sure the terminal is powered off and turn the terminal over.
  2. On the back of the terminal at the bottom, slide the battery cover latch to the right.
  3. Lift the battery cover off the terminal.
  4. Lift the battery from the terminal to remove and set aside.
  5. The terminal has illustrations for the different cards it can accept. Insert your SIM card in the space identified as SIM1 so the diagonal corner is facing the top left side.
    IMPORTANT: The SIM card goes into the lower space and should not require great force to insert.

  6. Re-install the battery and push on the bottom of the battery to seat it correctly.
  7. Re-install the battery cover on the terminal and slide the latch to the lock position on the left.

  8. Power on the terminal by pressing and holding the Power button for 3 seconds.
The terminal should identify the SIM card and configure the mobile network settings automatically.

Configuring the Terminal Display Language

By default, the terminal displays all information in English. This procedure explains how to change the terminal’s display language if necessary.
IMPORTANT: Selecting a different language changes all text that appears on the terminal.
To change the terminal display language:
  1. On the terminal’s main screen, touch the Settings icon.

  2. On the Settings screen, touch the Please Input Password field and use the keypad to type the password: either pax9876@@ or 9876.
  3. Touch the checkmark icon on the keypad when you are done and touch OK.

  4. On the Settings page, scroll to the bottom and touch System.
  5. On the System page, touch Languages & input.
  6. On the Languages & input page, touch Languages.
  7. On the Language preferences page, touch Add a language.
  8. On the Add a language page, scroll to, and touch the desired language.
    NOTE: If the language has localized variants, select the appropriate regional option for your country.
  9. If the selected language does not appear automatically, you can drag the language to the top of the list, as shown below:

Configure the Terminal Wi-Fi Connection

The terminal requires a network connection to communicate with the payment server and process transactions. This section explains how to turn wi-fi on and connect to your network.
To connect to your wireless network:
  1. On the terminal’s main screen, touch the Settings icon.

  2. On the Settings screen, touch the Please Input Password field and use the keypad to type the password: either pax9876@@ or 9876.
  3. Touch the checkmark icon on the keypad when you are done and touch OK.

  4. On the Settings page, scroll to the bottom and touch Network & Internet.
  5. On the Network & Internet page, touch Wi-Fi.
  6. On the Wi-Fi page, if Wi-Fi is Off, touch the toggle to turn it on. If Wi-Fi is already on, a list of available networks appears.
  7. From the list of available networks, touch the name of the network you want to connect to.
  8. Enter the password for the selected network and touch CONNECT.
    TIP: You can touch the Show password check box before typing to ensure you are entering the password correctly.

  9. After the terminal displays Connected for the selected network, touch the Back icon () to return to the Network & Internet page.

Installing PayFacto Software

The deployment process generally installs the required PayFacto applications prior to shipment, but if the applications are not installed, please use the procedures in the following sections to install and configure the following PayFacto applications:

  1. PayFacto: For payment processing
  2. Gift PayFacto powered by DataCandy: For gift card processing
  3. Gateway PayFacto: Enables communication between the vending device and the appropriate transaction processing application

Installing and Configuring the PayFacto Application

Before you can process any payments, you need to download and install the PayFacto app from the PAXStore on the terminal.

Before you begin the procedure, make sure the terminal is connected to your network.

NOTE: The app may already be installed on your terminal. If you see the PayFacto icon () on the main screen, skip to the Configure section.


To download and install the PayFacto app:

  1. On the terminal main screen, touch the PAXStore icon ().
  2. When connected to the Pax Application Marketplace, touch All to view all available apps.
  3. Scroll to or search for PayFacto.
    NOTE: If you scroll to the bottom, the animated () icon indicates the store is adding more apps to the list.
  4. When you locate the PayFacto app, touch GET to download and install the app.

The app downloads and installs automatically.


After you install the PayFacto app, you need to configure the app before you can process any payment transactions. The app guides you through the configuration procedure using a simple interface. 

NOTE: If the app was pre-configured before shipping, you will not see the following screens. You can refer to the PayFacto Quick Reference Guide to begin processing payments right away.

To configure the PayFacto app:

  1. On the terminal’s main screen, touch the PayFacto icon to start the app.
    The configuration wizard appears

Set Merchant Language

The merchant language determines what language appears for terminal operations. The merchant language is separate from the customer’s language, as configured on their card.

  1. Select the terminal’s language from the list on the Set Merchant Language page. 
    NOTE: You can change the language at any time through the SettingsTerminal Options command in the PayFacto app.
  2. Swipe to the left or touch the Next arrow. 

Set Application Theme

The application theme sets the overall appearance of the PayFacto app: light or dark.

  1. Select the terminal’s appearance on the Set Application Theme page. Touch the toggle to switch between Dark Theme and Light Theme.
    NOTE: You can change the theme at any time through the SettingsTerminal Options command in the PayFacto app.
  2. Swipe to the left or touch the Next arrow. 

Set Administrative Password

The administrative password protects the app features from being changed without authorization.

  1. On the Set Administrative Password page, touch the text field and enter a 6-digit numeric password using the keypad.
  2. Click the checkmark icon  on the keypad when you are done.
    IMPORTANTDo not forget the Administrative password, without it, you will be unable to access certain functions on the terminal.

NOTE: If the wizard does not proceed to the next screen, swipe to the left or touch the Next arrow. 

Set Merchant Password

The merchant password protects the app from processing certain transactions without authorization.

  1. On the Set Merchant Password page, touch the text field and enter a 6-digit numeric password using the keypad.
  2. Click the checkmark icon  on the keypad when you are done.
    IMPORTANTDo not forget the Merchant password, without it, you will be unable to access certain functions on the terminal.

NOTE: If the wizard does not proceed to the next screen, swipe to the left or touch the Next arrow.

Set Merchant ID

The merchant ID identifies your customer account on the authorization server when processing payments.

  1. On the Set Merchant ID page, touch the text field and enter merchant ID provided by PayFacto using the keypad.
  2. Click the checkmark icon  when you are done.

NOTE: If the wizard does not proceed to the next screen, swipe to the left or touch the Next arrow.

Set Terminal ID

The terminal ID identifies the terminal on the authorization server when processing payments. The terminal ID is linked to your customer account.

  1. On the Set Terminal ID page, touch the text field and enter terminal ID provided by PayFacto using the keypad.
  2. Click the checkmark icon  when you are done.

NOTE: If the wizard does not proceed to the next screen, swipe to the left or touch the Next arrow.

Set Destination Host

The destination host is the server that the terminal communicates with for transaction authorizations.

  1. On the Set Destination Host page, touch the toggle to turn Live Authorization Host to On ().
  2. Swipe to the left or touch the Next arrow. 

Set Training Mode

Training mode simulates all system functions without communicating to external servers.

  1. On the Set Training Mode page, you can enable training mode by touching the toggle to On
    TIP: It is recommended that you defer training mode until after you complete the software configuration.
  2. Swipe to the left or touch the Next arrow. 

NOTE: If you enable training mode during initial configuration, you will not be able to process payments until you exit training mode. Training Mode is available at any time through the SettingsTraining Mode command in the PayFacto app. Refer to the PayFacto Quick Reference Guide (insert link to guide) for information on how to access training mode.

CAUTION: It is possible to lock a card in training mode, as some security features are stored on the card’s chip.

Ready To Go

Congratulations, you’ve completed the PayFacto app configuration.

  1. Touch FINISH to complete the configuration and download the necessary system files.
    The screen turns green when the configuration is complete.

NOTE: If the screen turns red, there was an error in configuration. Note the error number and contact customer support for assistance.

Installing and Configuring the Gift PayFacto powered by DataCandy Application

If you accept, or plan to accept, gift cards, you need to download and install the Gift PayFacto powered by DataCandy app from the PAXStore on the terminal.

Before you begin the procedure, make sure the terminal is connected to your network.

NOTE: The app may already be installed on your terminal. If you see the Gift PayFacto icon () on the main screen, skip to the Configure section.


To download and install the Gift PayFacto powered by DataCandy app:

  1. On the terminal main screen, touch the PAXStore icon (). 
  2. When connected to the Pax Application Marketplace, touch All to view all available apps.
  3. Scroll to or search for Gift PayFacto powered by DataCandy.
    NOTE: If you scroll to the bottom, the animated () icon indicates the store is adding more apps to the list.
  4. When you locate the Gift PayFacto app, touch GET to download and install the app.

The app downloads and installs automatically.


After you install Gift PayFacto powered by DataCandy, you need to configure the application before you can accept any gift card transactions. The app guides you through the configuration procedure using a simple interface. 

To configure the Gift PayFacto powered by DataCandy app:

  1. On the terminal’s main screen, touch the Gift PayFacto icon to start the app.
    NOTE: The Gift PayFacto app uses the same icon as the PayFacto application. Make sure to touch the correct icon.
    The configuration wizard appears

Set Merchant Language

The merchant language determines what language appears for terminal operations. The merchant language is separate from the customer’s language, as configured on their card.

  1. Select the terminal’s language from the list on the Set Merchant Language page.
  2. Swipe to the left or touch the Next arrow. 

Set Application Theme

The application theme sets the overall appearance of the PayFacto app: light or dark.

  1. Select the terminal’s appearance on the Set Application Theme page. Touch the toggle to switch between Dark Theme and Light Theme.
    NOTE: You can change the theme at any time through the SettingsTerminal Options command in the PayFacto app.
  2. Swipe to the left or touch the Next arrow. 

Set Administrative Password

The administrative password protects the app features from being changed without authorization.

  1. On the Set Administrative Password page, touch the text field and enter a 6-digit numeric password using the keypad.
  2. Click the checkmark icon  on the keypad when you are done.
    IMPORTANTDo not forget the Administrative password, without it, you will be unable to access certain functions on the terminal.

NOTE: If the wizard does not proceed to the next screen, swipe to the left or touch the Next arrow. 

Set Merchant ID

The merchant ID identifies your customer account on the DataCandy server when processing gift cards.

IMPORTANT: DataCandy sends the Merchant ID via email directly to the merchant; refer to the email for the Merchant ID.

  1. On the Set Merchant ID page, touch the text field and enter merchant ID provided by DataCandy using the keypad.
  2. Click the checkmark icon  when you are done.

NOTE: If the wizard does not proceed to the next screen, swipe to the left or touch the Next arrow.

Set Merchant Password

The merchant password protects the app from processing certain transactions without authorization.

IMPORTANT: DataCandy sends the Merchant password via email directly to the merchant; refer to the email for the Merchant password.

  1. On the Set Merchant Password page, touch the text field and enter the merchant password provided by DataCandy using the keypad.
  2. Click the checkmark icon  on the keypad when you are done.
    IMPORTANTDo not forget the Merchant password, without it, you will be unable to access certain functions on the terminal.

NOTE: If the wizard does not proceed to the next screen, swipe to the left or touch the Next arrow.

Set workstation number

The workstation number identifies the terminal on the DataCandy server when processing gift cards.

IMPORTANT: DataCandy sends the workstation number via email directly to the merchant; refer to the email for the workstation number.

  1. On the Set workstation number page, touch the text field and enter workstation number provided by DataCandy using the keypad.
  2. Click the checkmark icon  when you are done.

NOTE: If the wizard does not proceed to the next screen, swipe to the left or touch the Next arrow.

Set the access key

The terminal uses the access key for validation on the DataCandy server when processing gift card transactions.

IMPORTANT: DataCandy sends the access key via email directly to the merchant; refer to the email for the access key.

  1. On the Set the access key page, touch the text field and enter access key provided by DataCandy using the keypad.
  2. Swipe to the left or touch the Next arrow. 

Ready To Go

Congratulations, you’ve completed the Gift PayFacto powered by DataCandy app configuration.

  1. Touch FINISH to complete the configuration and download the necessary system files.
    The screen turns green when the configuration is complete.

NOTE: If the screen turns red, there was an error in configuration. Note the error number and contact customer support for assistance.

Install the Gateway PayFacto Application

If you are using the terminal with a Point of Sale (POS) system, you need to download and install the Gateway PayFacto app from the PAXStore on the terminal.

Before you begin the procedure, make sure the terminal is connected to your network.

To download and install the Gateway app:

  1. On the terminal main screen, touch the PAXStore icon ().
  2. When connected to the Pax Application Marketplace, touch All to view all available apps.
  3. Scroll to or search for Gateway PayFacto.
    NOTE: If you scroll to the bottom, the animated () icon indicates the store is adding more apps to the list.
  4. When you locate the Gateway PayFacto app, touch GET to download and install the app.

The app downloads and installs automatically.

Configure the Gateway App

After you install the Gateway PayFacto app, you need to configure the app before using it. The configuration process is quick and uses a simple interface. 

To configure the Gateway app:

  1. On the terminal’s main screen, touch the Gateway PayFacto icon to start the app.
    NOTE: The Gateway app uses the same icon as the PayFacto application. Make sure to touch the correct icon.
    The configuration wizard appears

Set Destination Host

The destination host is the server that the Gateway app communicates with for transaction information.

  1. On the Set Destination Host page, toggle Live Authorization Host to On ().
    Swipe to the left or touch the Next arrow.
  2. On the Ready To Go page, touch FINISH to complete the configuration.

Using the Gateway App

Generally, the Gateway application starts automatically after the configuration procedure. If the Gateway application does not start automatically, you simply touch the Gateway PayFacto icon to start the app. When the app starts, it initiates communication with the authorization host. There are two possible results:

  1. The Gateway screen displays a Connected message at the bottom.
  2. The screen briefly displays a warning that the terminal is not configured on the server.

If the screen displays a Connected message, congratulations, the Gateway is connected and ready to process payment transactions.

If the screen does not display a Connected message, please contact PayFacto to have the terminal configured on the server.

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