Maitre’D Release Notes

Maitre’D Release Notes

Release Date:  

Updated Date: 

Installation packages: 


Package Name

Checksum (SHA-1)

Back-Office installer


CCM installer


MDMealZone installer


Compatible payment components (Ensure that you are using these versions or greater)

STPI Installer
Secure PaymentGift

This version can be installed over a previous MD 7.8 or 7.9 version. If you are installing this version over 7.5, you will be required to order a new license.

Important: All software releases should be validated in a lab environment before installing any release into a live site.  This testing should consider the customer configuration and data to ensure proper operation in any given live environment.

New feature additions


Removed features     


Issues Fixed


  1. The system can now accurately generate reports from archives created in a previous version. (Reference: MD-1763)

Back Office

  1. Sales will now be transmitted to DataBoard. (Reference: MD-1762)
  2. The system will now correctly manage and update the permanent sales backup file. (Reference: MD-1612)
  3. The inquiry by check function can now visualize checks from archives created in a previous version. (Reference: MD-1780)

POS general operations

  1. When the main server is no longer available, the system will now provide the option to activate the backup server if one is installed on the workstation. (Reference: MD-1149)

Quebec Sales Recording Module (SRM)   

  1. The system will now print the AR balance on the receipt. (Reference: MD-1280)
  2. The printout for check 2 will no longer print a check every time an item is ordered. (Reference: MD-1583)
  3. When an item is voided on the order screen, it is no longer possible to transfer it to another customer. (Reference: MD-1659)
  4. The process to print the closing receipt for a PATT check has been improved. (Reference: MD-1678)
  5. The system now allows printing a duplicate of an online order. (Reference: MD-1715)
  6. When delivery 2 print is configured, the system will now print the merchant copy. (Reference: MD-1717)
  7. When performing a local delivery, the system will now print the check when using the Send button. (Reference: MD-1716)

Advanced UI

  1. Loading speed of the timecard on the workstation has been improved. (Reference: MD-688)
  2. The variable list is now updated correctly when a menu item is deleted. (Reference: MD-1229)
  3. The size of the displayed floorplan on the workstation has been improved. (Reference: MD-1231)
  4. On the floorplan editor, the table client count is now visible. (Reference: MD-1234)
  5. On the floorplan editor, objects can now be added by simply dropping them onto the floorplan. (Reference: MD-1240)
  6. On the floorplan editor, you can now change the icon when editing an object. (Reference: MD-1441)
  7. On the floorplan editor, you can now change the background color. (Reference: MD-1616)
  8. When using the option to specify the number of customers when opening a table, the system now returns to the login screen when an invalid number is provided. (Reference: MD-1242)
  9. The order of the digits on the quantity keyboard has been updated to match the non advanced UI style. (Reference: MD-1243)
  10. The Charitable Donations tender type can now be used. (Reference: MD-1244)
  11. The floorplan displayed on the workstation will use the configured background. (Reference: MD-1250)
  12. The display of the floorplan status screen has been improved. (Reference: MD-1614)
  13. Custom POS reports can now be printed. (Reference: MD-1256)
  14. The quantity keyboard is now available when a variable list is displayed. (Reference: MD-1253)

Workarounds and known issues


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