Maitre'D Release Notes

Maitre'D Release Notes

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Release Date: September 19, 2022

Update Date: January 20, 2023

Installation packages: 


Package Name

Checksum (SHA-1)

Back-Office installer



CCM installer



MDMealZone installer



Compatible payment components (Ensure that you are using these versions or greater)

STPI Installer

This version can be installed over a previous MD 7.8 version. If you are installing this version over 7.5, you will be required to order a new license.

Important: All software releases should be validated in a lab environment before installing any release into a live site.  This testing should consider the customer configuration and data to ensure proper operation in any given live environment.

New feature additions


Removed features


Issues Fixed


  1. When using the “Inventory report” with the system configured to use 3 decimals, the exported cost for inventory items is now correct. (Reference: MD-222)

Back Office

  1. When using the MDDatatransfer tool, the exported time will correctly be adjusted for Daylight savings. (Reference: MD-164)

POS general operations

  1. The printing of the EFT payment receipt has been adjusted to use the configured option to determine if the receipt needs to be printed. (Reference: MD-91)

Electronic Funds Transfer

  1. The system will now recognize EFT plugins signed with the 2022 digital certificate. (Reference: MD-140)
  2. Now the option “External Close Batch” and “Close internal batch only” are enabled with any EFT interface. (Reference: MD-111)

Maitre’D Mobile

  1. The courses are now correctly handled by the system. (Reference: MD-155)


  1. An option has been added to synch the color and size of the HTML buttons of the preferential and layout screens from the legacy buttons. The option “Map legacy screen colors to HTML UI” is located in the Database module under Tools. (Reference: MD-121)
  2. The system will now display the surcharge amount in the reading and payment screen. (Reference: MD-364, MHP-74)
  3. The missing icons in the screen editor have been added. (Reference: MD-221)
  4. The color in the section legend now matches the display color of the sections. (Reference: MHP-76)
  5. The buttons on the screen editor can now be expanded to take the height of 2 rows. (Reference: MHP-75)
  6. Now the Pound sign (£) is correctly displayed on the receivable lookup screen. (Reference: MHP-73)
  7. The hostess screen will now no longer fade to white. (Reference: MHP-33)
  8. It is now possible to select a delivery customer by pressing enter on the on-screen keyboard. (Reference: MHP-30)
  9. When exiting from the delivery customer selection screen, no message box will be displayed. (Reference: MHP-28)
  10. The pre-order date and times can now be entered using a physical keyboard. (Reference: MHP-22)
  11. Now it is possible to toggle between the dark on light directly on the POS. (Reference: MHP-20)
  12. The system can now be configured to use the dark or light mode at Startup.  (Reference: MHP-21)
  13. Now the floorplan will be displayed on the workstation using the same look as edited in the back office. (Reference: MHP-13)

Workarounds and known issues

Pending SRM transactions error message at EOD

When using HTML POS with Québec Sales Recording Module (SRM), it is possible that during the End of Day an error message is displayed to says that pending SRM transactions still need to be posted.  
Here are some possible workarounds
  1. Enable the “Floor Plan Status” option located on the “Advanced” page in the workstation options located in the Point of Sales control module.
  1. Set the “Advertisement Delay” to 0 on the Options page of the Revenue Center configuration located in the Point of Sales control module.

Reference: MD-124

Windows version compatibility with first generation SRM  (Quebec)

A problem has been detected and reported by Revenu Quebec wherein the latest Windows 11 version 22H2 update does not support the TLS1.0 security protocol.
This protocol is used by the first-generation Sales Registration Module (SRM) (Blue) in TCP/IP mode. 

The new generation of SRM (black) are not affected and are compatible with Windows 11 22h2.

If you use the first-generation TCP/IP SRM (Blue) in your business, it is important not to install this Windows 11 Update.

It is possible to uninstall this Windows Update and revert to the previous version in case it was applied accidentally. Here is a useful link that explains the procedure for downgrading in the Go back to your previous version of Windows section:  

Here are the Windows versions compatible with a first-generation TCP/IP SRM (Blue) 
Windows 7 (end of support) 
Windows 8 (end of support) 
Windows 10, including 22h2 
Windows 11, excluding 22h2 
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