Maitre'D Release Notes

Maitre'D Release Notes

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Release Date: December 16, 2021 (Pilot)

                        April 12, 2022 (General release)
Update Date: January 17. 2022
Release type:  This is a general release.

Installation packages: 


Package Name

Checksum (SHA-1)

Back-Office installer



CCM installer



MDMealZone installer



Compatible payment components (Ensure that you are using these versions or greater)

STPI Installer
PayFacto Gift

This version can be installed over a previous MD 7.8 version. If you are installing this version over 7.5, you will be required to order a new license.

Important: All software releases should be validated in a lab environment before installing any release into a live site.  This testing should consider the customer configuration and data to ensure proper operation in any given live environment.

New feature additions

Added support to apply a discount on checks automatically if paid with cash (Cash Discount)

This allows a merchant to provide an incentive to his customers when they use cash payments instead of credit cards. 

This option is only available when the system is configured to use the “EFT-RTI v 1.0” payment interface in the “Electronic funds transfer” module. The system will automatically apply the defined discount in the tender type to the check when entirely paid using that tender type. The discount needs to be configured so the employees have the proper rights to apply the discount. All regular options apply the same way to the discount. 

Configure a discount, as usual, to be used for “Cash discount”. The discount can then be linked to the cash tender type in the “Media type” configuration page. 

The system will print on the check both the full and discounted total to inform the customer of the amount to pay when using a credit card or cash. The label printed on the check can be customized by setting the “Cash Discount Prompt”. By default, this value is set to “Cash total”.


When using the cash tender the discounted value will be used.

The cash discount will be displayed on both the employee reading and back-office report in the discount section

Reference: LP-55

Removed features


Issues Fixed


  1. Now when using the option “Number of customers at the beginning”, the invoice detail and Invoice Summary report will show the correct customer count. (Reference: LP-2821)

Back Office

  1. The system will now display the PayFacto copyrights and logos.  (Reference: LP-2396)
  2. The system now allows to configure the option “Close batch” and “Close internal batch” with any EFT protocol. (Reference: LP-1646)
  3. The Invoice.xml export will now include the total meal value (tag: MealValue) in the “Statistic” section. (Reference: LP-1855)
  4. The Invoice.xml export will now include the “External code” of the item (tag: ExternalCode) in the “InvoiceDetail” section. (Reference: LP-1856)

POS general operations

  1. The system will now show the correct delivery and dispatch times for orders on the POS dispatch screen. (Reference: LP-2870)

Online Ordering Interface (MDProxy)

  1. The online line interface will now log the incoming SOAP request in the IIS folder. (Reference: LP-2713)

Self-Payment Interface

  1. Now when a table has multiple checks the system will no longer redistribute the remaining checks when closing any check. (Reference: LP-2916)

France fiscal implementation (NF525) 

  1. The file “Notes.xml” has been added and included in the NF archives. This file contains the trace of the Note printed in the system during the day. (Reference: LP-2558)
  2. The NF archives will now include the documentation on the archived file format and structure.  (Reference: LP-2560)

Workarounds and known issues

  1. Delivery and dispatch times: Orders that are placed before midnight for delivery after midnight will display an incorrect time on the dispatch screen.
  2. Closing the first customer on a multiple customer table will lock POS: Table with multiple customers, customer one wants to pay for their bill. Print All or print current and pay, it is not possible to continue servicing the table as printing or closing the table locks the POS. (Reference: PE-402)

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