Maitre'D - Customer Receipt Control

Maitre'D - Customer Receipt Control

Customer Receipt Control

Customer receipt control options were introduced in earlier versions of Maitre’D for specific EFT protocols. With Maitre’D, the usability of these options was expanded to all protocols.

Point of Sale Control / Revenue Center / Options / [Select revenue center] / Options / Payment.

Customer Copy Receipt

This section contains settings that will affect how the Customer Copy of the EFT receipts is printed.

Prompt for Receipt

Enable this option if you want the POS to prompt the cashier to print the customer copy of the EFT receipt. The cashier will then have a choice to print the receipt or not. If this option is left disabled, the customer copy will always print without prompting.

Prompt Only if Total Over

Enter the check amount above which the cashier will be prompted whether to print the customer copy or not. If the check amount is below the configured amount, the cashier will not be prompted, and the receipt will not be printed.

Typical usage scenarios

Prompt for Receipt

Prompt Only if Total Over

Customer Receipt Printout


Unavailable (grayed out)

Prompt: NEVER




Prompt: ALWAYS

Print: Only if user says “YES”



Prompt: Only if total > $25.00

No print if total < $25.00



Prompt: Only if total > $10000.00

No print if total < $10000.00

Prompt for Receipt: Disabled

Prompt Only if Total Over: Grayed-out

With this setup, the customer copy receipt will always be printed, and the cashier will never be prompted. 

Prompt for Receipt: Enabled

Prompt Only if Total Over: $0.00

With this setup, the cashier will always be prompted whether to print the customer copy receipt.

Prompt for Receipt: Enabled

Prompt Only if Total Over: $25.00

With this setup, the cashier will not be prompted, and no receipt will print for checks where the value is between $0.00 to $25.00. If a check total reaches $25.01 or higher, the cashier will then be prompted whether to print a customer copy of the EFT receipt.

Prompt for Receipt: Enabled

Prompt if Total Over: $10000.00

With this setup, the cashier will never be prompted, and no customer receipt will ever print, unless the check value somehow reaches above $10,000.00.

NOTE: Regardless of the options chosen, it is always possible to manually print or reprint the customer copy receipt by accessing the closed check with its last 4 digits at the POS.

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