GiftPayFacto Quick Reference Guide

GiftPayFacto Quick Reference Guide

  1. Process the sale transaction on your POS, indicating that the payment method is a gift card
  2. Using the terminal number pad, enter the redemption amount
  4. Swipe the gift card
    You can also touch GIFT CARD MANUAL ENTRY, enter the Admin password, enter the card number, and then touch OK
  5. The server deducts the amount from the card balance, and the terminal prints a transaction receipt. Tear off the receipt and hand it to the customer with their card. Touch OK to print a second receipt, or touch CANCEL


NOTE: Empty Card is only for transactions of $4.99 or less. If the card balance is not known, use the Balance procedure
  1. Process the sale transaction on your POS, indicating that the payment method is a gift card
  2. Touch the Action button () on the terminal main screen
  3. Touch the Transactions button ()
  4. Touch EMPTY CARD
  5. Swipe the gift card
    You can also touch GIFT CARD MANUAL ENTRY, enter the Admin password, enter the card number, and then touch OK
  6. The server empties the card balance, and the terminal prints a transaction receipt. Tear off the receipt and hand it to the customer. Touch OK to print a second receipt, or touch CANCEL


  1. Touch the Action button () on the terminal main screen
  2. Touch the Transactions button ()
  3. Touch BALANCE
  4. Swipe the gift card
    You can also touch GIFT CARD MANUAL ENTRY, enter the Admin password, enter the card number, and then touch OK
  5. The server verifies the card balance, and the terminal prints a transaction receipt showing the current balance. Tear off the receipt and hand it to the customer with their card. Touch OK to print a second receipt, or touch CANCEL


  1. Process a sale transaction on your POS for the amount the customer wishes to add to the card balance
  2. Touch the Action button () on the terminal main screen
  3. Touch the Transactions button ()
  4. Touch INCREMENT
  5. Using the number pad, enter the increment amount
  6. Touch INCREMENT
  7. Swipe the gift card
    You can also touch GIFT CARD MANUAL ENTRY, enter the Admin password, enter the card number, and then touch OK
  8. The server adds the increment amount to the card balance; the terminal prints a transaction receipt showing the new balance. Tear off the receipt and hand it to the customer with their card. Touch OK to print a second receipt, or touch CANCEL


  1. Touch the Action button () on the terminal main screen
  2. Touch the Transactions button ()
  5. Using the number pad, enter the Transaction confirmation number and touch OK
  6. Swipe the gift card
    You can also touch GIFT CARD MANUAL ENTRY, enter the Admin password, enter the card number, and then touch OK
  7. The server reverses the previous redemption and increments the total to the card balance; the terminal prints a transaction receipt showing the updated balance. Tear off the receipt and hand it to the customer with their card. Touch OK to print a second receipt, or touch CANCEL


  1. Touch the Action button () on the terminal main screen
  2. Touch the Transactions button ()
  4. Using the terminal number pad, enter the amount to reverse
  6. Using the number pad, enter the Transaction confirmation number and touch OK
  7. Swipe the gift card
    You can also touch GIFT CARD MANUAL ENTRY, enter the Admin password, enter the card number, and then touch OK
  8. The server reverses the previous redemption and increments the total to the card balance; the terminal prints a transaction receipt showing the updated balance. Tear off the receipt and hand it to the customer with their card. Touch OK to print a second receipt, or touch CANCEL


NOTE: Activation is only for new gift cards
  1. Process the sale for the new gift card’s value on your POS
  2. Touch the Action button () on the terminal main screen
  3. Touch the Transactions button ()
  5. Using the terminal number pad, enter the amount to increment on the new card
  7. Swipe the gift card
    You can also touch GIFT CARD MANUAL ENTRY, enter the Admin password, enter the card number, and then touch OK 
  8. The server activates the card and increments the balance; the terminal prints a transaction receipt showing the card balance. Tear off the receipt and hand it to the customer with the card. Touch OK to print a second receipt, or touch CANCEL


NOTE: Gift card reports are for the current day only
  1. Touch the Action button () on the main screen
  2. Touch the Settings button ()
  3. Enter Admin password and touch OK
  4. Scroll to the Details and summary reports section
  5. To view individual gift card transactions by operator, touch Daily detail report by employee
    NOTE: This report generates individual reports for each operator configured on the terminal; if you have not configured any operators, the report will print a list of all gift card transactions.
  1. Enter the operator ID in the Waiter field
  2. Enter the operator password in the Password field
  3. Touch OK; the terminal prints a list of all gift card transactions for the selected operator
  1. To view a summary of gift card transactions by operator, touch Daily summary report by employee 
    NOTE: This report generates individual reports for each operator configured on the terminal; if you have not configured any operators, the report will print a summary of all gift card transactions.
  1. Enter the operator ID in the Waiter field
  2. Enter the operator password in the Password field
  3. Touch OK; the terminal prints a summary of gift card transactions for the selected operator
  1. To view a summary of all gift card transactions, touch Daily summary report by merchant; the terminal prints a summary of all gift card transactions 


  1. Touch the Action button () on the main screen
  2. Touch the Settings button ()
  3. Enter Admin password and touch OK
  4. Touch the Enable waiters toggle button to On
    NOTE: To disable operators, toggle Enable waiters to Off
  5. Touch Waiters Management
  6. Touch Add New Waiter
  7. Enter a 1 to 3-character operator ID in the Waiter field
  8. Enter a 4 to 6-character password in the Password field
  9. Re-enter the password in the Repeat password field to confirm
  10. Touch OK
  11. Repeat steps 6 to 10 to add additional operators


  1. Touch the Action button () on the main screen
  2. Touch the Settings button ()
  3. Enter Admin password and touch OK
  4. Touch Waiters Management
  5. To change an operator password:
  1. Touch the Edit icon () for the desired operator
  2. Enter the old password in the Enter Old Password field
  3. Enter the new password in the Password field
  4. Re-enter the new password in the Repeat password field to confirm
  5. Touch OK
  1. To remove an individual operator:
  1. Touch the Delete icon () for the desired operator
  2. Touch OK to confirm; the selected operator is removed from the list
  1. To remove all operators:
  1. Touch Delete All Waiter
  2. Touch OK to confirm; all operators are removed from the list

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