Common Response Codes with PayFacto Terminals

Common Response Codes with PayFacto Terminals

Common Response Codes with PayFacto Terminals

Response Code P3

The P3 means that the terminal is not connected to the PayFacto Cloud Gateway and it is not ready to receive a transaction from the calling API.  There is no workaround to this problem.  To solve the issue, the merchant has to ensure the terminal application is connected to the PayFacto Cloud Gateway:
  1. Devices : PAX S80, S90, D210, S300 and S920
    1. From the payment application main screen, ensure the application has started the semi-integration process by pressing the CLEAR button on the S80, S90, D210 and S300.  On the S920, the access key to start the gateway interface is ENTER+5
  2. Android A920, A80 and IM30:
    1. Ensure you have the Gateway PayFacto application installed
    2. Ensure it is started
On all devices, if the device is configured on the Cloud Gateway, the gateway interface should see CONNECTED on the bottom of the interface.

Response code 201

This response code means the payment application cannot communicate with the payment host.  There are multiple reasons for this behavior:
  1. The device is not connected to the internet because it is not connected on any network interface
    1. Check the WIFI network status if WIFI is the main network interface
    2. Check the wireless SIM installation and settings if the device is set to 3G/4G/LTE
    3. Check the local network settings if the device is ETHERNET
  2. The device is connected on the internet but the payment host is unreachable
    1. These situations happen.  PayFacto payment host might have communication problems.  PayFacto hosts have a very high uptime though

Android devices: BroadPOS error

The BroadPOS error is a popup message happening on card reads.  Please communicate with the PayFacto Customer Experience and ensure you have the latest PayFacto application installed on the payment device.

Device frozen on contactless read (PAXA920/A80)

On Android device, when processing contactless card reads, it is possible the terminal may freeze or become unresponsive.  The workaround is to reboot the device and propose to insert the card to the cardholder.

While this situation is highly problematic for the merchant, PayFacto has a fix coming on PayFacto version 1.10 coming on December 8th, 2020.

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